[PATCH 1/8] abrt-handle-event: free more of allocated data

Martin Milata mmilata at redhat.com
Mon Jul 29 13:49:09 UTC 2013

Pushed, including the libreport patch.

I noticed that when processing a crash, following line appers in the
syslog (possibly several times):

abrt-server[10123]: Can't access '/var/tmp/abrt/post-create.lock': No such file or directory

This is due to duplicate detection in abrt-handle-event which iterates
over all items in /var/tmp/abrt and fails to open the lock because it is
a broken symlink. While the log message could be avoided by adding
DD_FAIL_QUIETLY_EACCESS to the dd_opendir (or explicitly skipping the
lock), I was wondering why we don't store /proc/PID in the symlink
instead of just PID? This would make the symlink non-broken when the
locking process is still running.


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