[copyleft-next] copyleft-next 0.3.0 released

Kuno Woudt kuno at frob.nl
Fri May 17 14:10:51 UTC 2013

On 17-05-13 08:27, Richard Fontana wrote:
> On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 07:35:33AM -0500, Tom Marble wrote:
>> On 05/16/2013 08:18 PM, Richard Fontana wrote:
>>> A summary of changes relative to the previous released verson shall be
>>> provided in due course.
>> FLOSS best practices generally suggest updating the CHANGELOG
>> as you go -or- collecting highlights from commits since the
>> last release in the CHANGELOG [0]. In this way such a release
>> announcement comes with the answer to the question:
>> "What changed in this release?"
> I believe I started out with, or at least intending to maintain, a
> CHANGELOG, and I have the vaguest memory of someone (Dave Neary?)
> suggesting I use one. But I have been under the impression that
> CHANGELOGs are rarely used by non-antediluvian FLOSS projects.

I agree an actual ChangeLog file seems archaic.  But it does
seem useful to have release notes ready at the moment of

For us (musicbrainz) we do a blog post on for each release
(typically once every two weeks) which lists the user-facing
changes and their associated issue numbers [1].  Rarely
anything gets changed without an issue in the issue tracker,
so release notes can semi-automatically be generated
from which issues were associated with the release and
have been closed (as fixed).

Obviously if you would want to do that for copyleft-next
you'd first need an issue tracker ;)

-- warp / kuno.

[1] http://blog.musicbrainz.org/?p=1925

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