[copyleft-next] Differences between 0.1.0 and 0.1.1

fontana at sharpeleven.org fontana at sharpeleven.org
Sat Feb 16 16:29:49 UTC 2013

Recently Mike Linksvayer said:
> I have one meta-comment on copyleft-next-0.1.1 -- I wish the
> announcement came with brief description of changes.

Here's a belated description of the principal changes in 0.1.1
relative to 0.1.0.

i) Section 1 of 0.1.0 had the sentence:

    This License does not exclude or limit any rights You have under
    applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing or other

Adopting a suggestion made by Pam Chestek, 0.1.1 changed this to the
more general:

    This License does not exclude or limit any rights You have under
    applicable copyright law.

More recent drafts have deleted 'copyright'. This change was recently
discussed on the mailing list.

ii) A few changes in sections 3 and 4 that clarify that the section
currently labeled 'Pass-Through' (the descendant of the GPL's
automatic licensing clause, though it is constructed a bit more like
the corresponding clause in the Creative Commons [at least 3.0 series]
licenses) is not a condition. Implements suggestions made by Pam

iii) The anti-badgeware-abuse language at the end of section 4 adds
"trademark legends" to the list of things that are not "Legal Notices"
that need to be preserved by the distributing licensee. Implements a
suggestion made by Pam Chestek.

iv) The titles of certain sections (in 0.1.1, 5-8) indicate explicitly
that the sections are 'conditions'. Implements a suggestion made by
Pam Chestek.

v) In the definitions of 'Derived Work' and 'Distribute', the language
"such that copyright permission is required" (a holdover of sorts from
certain language in GPLv3) is deleted as unnecessary. Implements a
suggestion made by Pam Chestek.

vi) In the Apache License 2.0/MPL 2.0-derived subdefinition of
"control" contained in the definition of "You", the language "the
power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of
such entity" was changed to "the power to direct the actions of such
entity", implementing a suggestion made by Pam Chestek. This is a bug
in the Apache License 2.0, however minor; it is at best unidiomatic
English to speak of "causing the direction or management" of

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