Usability suggestions for Copr web interface

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Tue Jun 16 12:12:55 UTC 2015

On Tue, 16 Jun 2015 11:50:15 +0200
Miroslav Suchý <msuchy at> wrote:

> I revisited this topic and tried all referenced webs (thanks for
> that).
> Most of them are either provided as code you can install and
> *maintain* yourself. This is something I would like to avoid. Or it
> is paid (Discourse). Are we willing to pay for such service?


> Ask and Mailman3 does not fit our needs IMO. I do not want (and I
> suppose others as well) discussion about Copr projects in general
> (those who want that are already on this mailing list). I want
> discussion platform for every single project on Copr. And creating
> mailing list for every projects is probably over-kill.

> So unless someone is volunteering to maintain Isso or Hashover
> instance, I see only viable option either paid plan of Discourse or
> free (as a beer) but not free (as libre) Disqus. Or nothing.

IMHO, a way to just mail the owner(s) of a copr would be enough. 
If there needs to be a discussion between the owners and interested
folks, they can always take that discussion to whatever medium they

Copr is a bit of a odd case as it's in our Cloud and not Fedora
Infrastructure proper, but our policy at:
Notes that all our software is Free Software, so I really think using a
non free service isn't an option here. 

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