[PATCH 1/3] Start moving code from the controller to the logic

Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou at pingoured.fr
Wed Jan 23 11:38:40 UTC 2013

There are several advantages in doing that :
- we can reuse it in the API
- less coupling to the framework
- easier unit-testing for the logic

This is just moving some code around, following the design of Bohuslav (generic
code goes into the logic package).

 coprs_frontend/coprs/logic/builds_logic.py         | 16 +++++++++++
 coprs_frontend/coprs/logic/coprs_logic.py          | 15 ++++++++++
 .../coprs/views/coprs_ns/coprs_general.py          | 32 ++++++++++------------
 3 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/coprs_frontend/coprs/logic/builds_logic.py b/coprs_frontend/coprs/logic/builds_logic.py
index 41575ee..519e5bc 100644
--- a/coprs_frontend/coprs/logic/builds_logic.py
+++ b/coprs_frontend/coprs/logic/builds_logic.py
@@ -53,6 +53,22 @@ class BuildsLogic(object):
         return models.Build.query.filter(models.Build.id.in_(ids))
+    def add_build(cls, pkgs, copr, owner):
+        build = models.Build(
+            pkgs = pkgs,
+            copr = copr,
+            repos = copr.repos,
+            chroots = ' '.join(map(
+                lambda x: x.chroot_name, copr.mock_chroots)
+                ),
+            user = owner,
+            submitted_on = int(time.time()))
+        # no need to check for authorization here
+        builds_logic.BuildsLogic.new(owner, build, copr,
+            check_authorized = False)
+        db.session.commit()
+    @classmethod
     def new(cls, user, build, copr, check_authorized = True):
         if check_authorized:
             if not user.can_build_in(copr):
diff --git a/coprs_frontend/coprs/logic/coprs_logic.py b/coprs_frontend/coprs/logic/coprs_logic.py
index 45ea492..c39d566 100644
--- a/coprs_frontend/coprs/logic/coprs_logic.py
+++ b/coprs_frontend/coprs/logic/coprs_logic.py
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+import time
 from coprs import db
 from coprs import exceptions
 from coprs import helpers
@@ -23,6 +25,19 @@ class CoprsLogic(object):
         return query
+    def add_coprs(cls, name, repos, owner, selected_chroots):
+        copr = models.Copr(name = name,
+                           repos = repos,
+                           owner = owner,
+                           created_on = int(time.time()))
+        CoprsLogic.new(owner, copr,
+            check_for_duplicates = False) # form validation checks for duplicates
+        CoprChrootLogic.new_from_names(owner, copr,
+            selected_chroots)
+        db.session.commit()
+        return copr
+    @classmethod
     def get_multiple(cls, user, **kwargs):
         user_relation = kwargs.get('user_relation', None)
         username = kwargs.get('username', None)
diff --git a/coprs_frontend/coprs/views/coprs_ns/coprs_general.py b/coprs_frontend/coprs/views/coprs_ns/coprs_general.py
index 027845b..6fc53dc 100644
--- a/coprs_frontend/coprs/views/coprs_ns/coprs_general.py
+++ b/coprs_frontend/coprs/views/coprs_ns/coprs_general.py
@@ -59,33 +59,31 @@ def copr_add():
 @coprs_ns.route('/new/', methods=['POST'])
 def copr_new():
+    """ Receive information from the user on how to create its new copr
+    and create it accordingly.
+    """
     form = forms.CoprFormFactory.create_form_cls()()
     if form.validate_on_submit():
-        copr = models.Copr(name = form.name.data,
-                           repos = form.repos.data.replace('\n', ' '),
-                           owner = flask.g.user,
-                           created_on = int(time.time()))
-        coprs_logic.CoprsLogic.new(flask.g.user, copr, check_for_duplicates = False) # form validation checks for duplicates
-        coprs_logic.CoprChrootLogic.new_from_names(flask.g.user, copr, form.selected_chroots)
-        db.session.commit()
+        copr = CoprsLogic.add_coprs(cls,
+            name=form.name.data,
+            repos=form.repos.data.replace('\n', ' '),
+            owner=flask.g.user,
+            selected_chroots=form.selected_chroots)
         flask.flash('New copr was successfully created.')
         if form.initial_pkgs.data:
-            build = models.Build(pkgs = form.initial_pkgs.data.replace('\n', ' '),
-                                 copr = copr,
-                                 repos = copr.repos,
-                                 chroots = ' '.join(map(lambda x: x.chroot_name, copr.mock_chroots)),
-                                 user = flask.g.user,
-                                 submitted_on = int(time.time()))
-            # no need to check for authorization here
-            builds_logic.BuildsLogic.new(flask.g.user, build, copr, check_authorized = False)
-            db.session.commit()
-            flask.flash('Initial packages were successfully submitted for building.')
+            BuildsLogic.add_build(
+                pkgs=form.initial_pkgs.data.replace('\n', ' '),
+                copr=copr,
+                owner=flask.g.user)
+            flask.flash('Initial packages were successfully submitted '
+                'for building.')
         return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('coprs_ns.coprs_show'))
         return flask.render_template('coprs/add.html', form = form)
 def copr_detail(username, coprname):
     query = coprs_logic.CoprsLogic.get(flask.g.user, username, coprname)

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