[PATCH 4/4] Move the URL to copr into the config file

Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou at pingoured.fr
Sun Feb 17 19:57:44 UTC 2013

This way one can use another copr server than the one provided by the Fedora Project.

Additionnaly, we rename the function set_user to get_user, semantically more appropriate.
 copr_cli/main.py        | 13 +++++--------
 copr_cli/subcommands.py | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/copr_cli/main.py b/copr_cli/main.py
index 5cc7e51..51da88e 100644
--- a/copr_cli/main.py
+++ b/copr_cli/main.py
@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ __version__ = '0.1.0'
 __description__ = "CLI tool to run copr"
-COPR_URL = 'http://copr-fe.cloud.fedoraproject.org/'
-COPR_API_URL = '{0}/api'.format(COPR_URL)
 CMDLIST = ['create', 'build', 'list', 'info']
@@ -94,15 +91,15 @@ def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
     args = action_parser.parse_args(arg.argument)
     if action == "list":
-        subcommands.list(COPR_API_URL, args.username)
+        subcommands.list(args.username)
     elif action == "create":
-        subcommands.create(COPR_API_URL, args.name, args.chroots,
-                            args.description, args.instructions,
-                            args.repos, args.initial_pkgs)
+        subcommands.create(args.name, args.chroots, args.description,
+                            args.instructions, args.repos,
+                            args.initial_pkgs)
     elif action == "build":
-        subcommands.build(COPR_API_URL, args.copr, args.pkgs,
+        subcommands.build(args.copr, args.pkgs,
                           args.memory, args.timeout)
diff --git a/copr_cli/subcommands.py b/copr_cli/subcommands.py
index f2cdd5b..ab494a1 100644
--- a/copr_cli/subcommands.py
+++ b/copr_cli/subcommands.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import os
 import sys
-def set_user():
+def get_user():
     """ Retrieve the user information from the config file. """
     config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
     config.read(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config',
@@ -17,14 +17,25 @@ def set_user():
     return {'username': username, 'token': token}
-def list(copr_api_url, username=None):
+def get_api_url():
+    """ Retrieve the user information from the config file. """
+    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+    config.read(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config',
+                'copr'))
+    copr_url = config.get('copr-cli', 'copr_url',
+                          'http://copr-fe.cloud.fedoraproject.org/')
+    return '%s/api/' % copr_url
+def list(username=None):
     """ List all the copr of a user. """
-    user = set_user()
+    user = get_user()
+    copr_api_url = get_api_url()
+    URL = '{0}/owned/'.format(copr_api_url)
     if username:
         user['username'] = username
-    URL = '{0}/owned/'.format(copr_api_url)
     req = requests.get(URL, params=user)
     output = json.loads(req.text)
     if 'repos' in output:
@@ -45,10 +56,11 @@ def list(copr_api_url, username=None):
         return (columns, [values])
-def create(copr_api_url, name, chroots=[],description=None,
-           instructions=None, repos=None, initial_pkgs=None):
+def create(name, chroots=[],description=None, instructions=None,
+           repos=None, initial_pkgs=None):
     """ Create a new copr. """
-    user = set_user()
+    user = get_user()
+    copr_api_url = get_api_url()
     URL = '{0}/copr/new/'.format(copr_api_url)
     repos = None
@@ -76,9 +88,10 @@ def create(copr_api_url, name, chroots=[],description=None,
         print 'Something went wrong:\n  {0}'.format(output['error'])
-def build(copr_api_url, copr, pkgs, memory, timeout):
+def build(copr, pkgs, memory, timeout):
     """ Build a new package into a given copr. """
-    user = set_user()
+    user = get_user()
+    copr_api_url = get_api_url()
     URL = '{0}/coprs/detail/{1}/{2}/new_build/'.format(

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