[PATCH] Change from using parameters to HTTP Basic access authentication

Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou at pingoured.fr
Sun Feb 3 19:50:36 UTC 2013

This change prevent the username/API token from being displayed in the server logs
and makes the API actually working in a more standardized maner, using the http
headers as they are expected to be.

This is rebased on the top of the previous commit sent changing the API itself.
Thus it should apply fine on master.

 copr_cli/subcommands.py            |  4 +++-
 coprs_frontend/coprs/views/misc.py | 10 ++++++++--
 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/copr_cli/subcommands.py b/copr_cli/subcommands.py
index ce267a2..c1af50a 100644
--- a/copr_cli/subcommands.py
+++ b/copr_cli/subcommands.py
@@ -101,7 +101,9 @@ class AddCopr(Command):
         for chroot in args.chroots:
             data[chroot] = 'y'
-        req = requests.post(URL, params=user, data=data)
+        req = requests.post(URL,
+                            auth=(user['username'], user['token']),
+                            data=data)
         output = json.loads(req.text)
         if output['output'] == 'ok':
             print output['message']
diff --git a/coprs_frontend/coprs/views/misc.py b/coprs_frontend/coprs/views/misc.py
index 48a1f3a..d7eb73e 100644
--- a/coprs_frontend/coprs/views/misc.py
+++ b/coprs_frontend/coprs/views/misc.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import base64
 import datetime
 import functools
@@ -79,8 +80,13 @@ def logout():
 def login_required(f):
     def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
-        token = flask.request.args.get('token')
-        username = flask.request.args.get('username')
+        token = None
+        username = None
+        if 'Authorization' in flask.request.headers:
+            base64string = flask.request.headers['Authorization']
+            base64string = base64string.split()[1].strip()
+            userstring = base64.b64decode(base64string)
+            (username, token) = userstring.split(':')
         token_auth = False
         if token and username:
             user = models.User.query.filter(

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