[copr] skvidal-backend: add errors file for exceptions separately continue to flesh out functionality (75b9e88)

skvidal at fedoraproject.org skvidal at fedoraproject.org
Thu Nov 15 17:16:16 UTC 2012

Repository : http://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/copr.git

On branch  : skvidal-backend


commit 75b9e88a80b3c3d379c2a4ad3866e405e4e91de4
Author: Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Thu Nov 15 02:24:56 2012 -0500

    add errors file for exceptions separately
    continue to flesh out functionality


 backend/dispatcher.py |  148 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 backend/errors.py     |   12 ++++
 copr-be.py            |   99 +++++++++++++++-----------------
 3 files changed, 154 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)

diff --git a/backend/dispatcher.py b/backend/dispatcher.py
index 748e519..4948512 100644
--- a/backend/dispatcher.py
+++ b/backend/dispatcher.py
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 #!/usr/bin/python -tt
-import sys
 import os
-import glob
-import subprocess
+import sys
 import multiprocessing
 import time
 import Queue
 import json
 import mockremote
 from bunch import Bunch
+import errors
 import ansible
 import ansible.playbook
+import ansible.errors
 from ansible import callbacks
@@ -62,25 +62,21 @@ class SilentPlaybookCallbacks(callbacks.object):
     def on_stats(self, stats):
         callbacks.call_callback_module('playbook_on_stats', stats)
-def spawn_instance(opts, ip):
-    # FIXME - setup silent callbacks
-    #       - check errors in setup
-    #       - playbook variablized
-    stats = callbacks.AggregateStats()
-    playbook_cb = SilentPlaybookCallbacks(verbose=False)
-    runner_cb = callbacks.DefaultRunnerCallbacks()
-    play = ansible.playbook.PlayBook(stats=stats, playbook='/srv/copr-work/provision/builderpb.yml', 
-                             callbacks=playbook_cb, runner_callbacks=runner_cb, remote_user='root')
+class WorkerCallback(object):
+    def __init__(self, logfile=None):
+        self.logfile = logfile
+    def log(self, msg):
+        if not self.logfile:
+            return
-    play.run()
-    if ip:
-        return ip
+        now = time.time()
+        try:
+            open(self.logfile, 'a').write(str(now) + ':' + msg + '\n')
+        except (IOError, OSError), e:
+            print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not write to logfile %s - %s' % (self.logfile, str(e))
-    for i in play.SETUP_CACHE:
-        if i =='localhost':
-            continue
-        return i
 class Worker(multiprocessing.Process):
     def __init__(self, opts, jobs, ip=None, create=True, callback=None):
@@ -88,17 +84,63 @@ class Worker(multiprocessing.Process):
         # base class initialization
         multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self, name="worker-builder")
         # job management stuff
         self.jobs = jobs
         self.ip = ip
         self.opts = opts
         self.kill_received = False
-        print 'creating worker: %s' % ip
-    def parse_job(job):
+        self.callback = callback
+        if not self.callback:
+            lf = self.opts.worker_logdir + '/worker-%s.log'  % self.pid
+            self.callback = WorkerCallback(logfile = lf)
+        self.callback.log('creating worker: %s' % ip)
+    def spawn_instance(self):
+        stats = callbacks.AggregateStats()
+        playbook_cb = SilentPlaybookCallbacks(verbose=False)
+        runner_cb = callbacks.DefaultRunnerCallbacks()
+        # fixme - extra_vars to include ip as a var if we need to specify ips
+        # also to include info for instance type to handle the memory requirements of builds
+        play = ansible.playbook.PlayBook(stats=stats, playbook=self.opts.playbook, 
+                             callbacks=playbook_cb, runner_callbacks=runner_cb, 
+                             remote_user='root')
+        play.run()
+        if self.ip:
+            return self.ip
+        for i in play.SETUP_CACHE:
+            if i =='localhost':
+                continue
+            return i
+        return None
+    def parse_job(self, jobfile):
         # read the json of the job in
-        # break out what we need return a structured 
+        # break out what we need return a bunch of the info we need
+        d = json.load(open(jobfile))
+        build = d['builds'][0]
+        jobdata = Bunch()
+        jobdata.pkgs = build['pkgs'].split(' ')
+        jobdata.repos = build['repos'].split(' ')
+        jobdata.chroots = build['chroots'].split(' ')
+        jobdata.memory_reqs = build['memory_reqs']
+        jobdata.timeout = build['timeout']
+        jobdata.destdir = self.opts.destdir + '/' + build['copr']['owner']['name'] + '/' + build['copr']['name'] + '/'
+        jobdata.build_id = build['id']
+        jobdata.copr_id = build['copr']['id']
+        jobdata.user_id = build['user_id']
+        return jobdata
+    def return_results(self, job):
+        self.log('%s status %s. Took %s seconds' % (job.id, job.status, build.ended_on - build.startedon)
+        os.unlink(job.jobfile)
+        #FIXME - this should either return job status/results 
+        # into a queue or it should submit results directly to the frontend
     def run(self):
         # worker should startup and check if it can function
         # for each job it takes from the jobs queue
@@ -108,41 +150,43 @@ class Worker(multiprocessing.Process):
         while not self.kill_received:
-                job = self.jobs.get()
+                jobfile = self.jobs.get()
             except Queue.Empty:
-            self.cur_job = job
-            f = open(self.opts.get('destdir', '/') + '/' +  job, 'w')
-            f.write('')
-            f.close()
             # parse the job json into our info
-            # pkgs
-            # repos
-            # chroot(s)
-            # memory needed
-            # timeout
-            # make up a destdir
-            #print 'start up instance %s using %s' % (self.ip, self.opts.get('playbook', None))
-            ip = spawn_instance(self.opts, ip=ip)
+            job = self.parse_job(jobfile)
-            destdir = construct_something_here
+            job.jobfile = jobfile
+            # spin up our build instance
-                mr = mockremote.MockRemote(builder=ip, timeout=timeout, 
-                     destdir=destdir, chroot=chroot, cont=True, recurse=True,
-                     repos=repos, callback=None)
-                mr.build_pkgs(pkgs)
-            except mockremote.MockRemoteError, e:
-                # record and break
-                print '%s - %s' % (ip, e)
-                break
+                ip = self.spawn_instance()
+                if not ip:
+                    raise errors.CoprWorkerError, "No IP found from creating instance"
+            except ansible.errors.AnsibleError, e:
+                self.callback.log('failure to setup instance: %s' % e)
+                raise
+            status = 1
+            job.started_on = time.time()
+            for chroot in job.chroots:
+                self.callback.log('mockremote on %s - %s' % (ip, jobfile))
+                try:
+                    mr = mockremote.MockRemote(builder=ip, timeout=job.timeout, 
+                         destdir=job.destdir, chroot=chroot, cont=True, recurse=True,
+                         repos=job.repos, callback=None)
+                    mr.build_pkgs(job.pkgs)
+                except mockremote.MockRemoteError, e:
+                    # record and break
+                    self.callback.log('%s - %s' % (ip, e))
+                    status = 0 # failure
+            job.ended_on = time.time()
+            job.status = status
+            self.return_results(job)
-            # run mockremote to that ip with the args from above
-            print 'mockremote on %s - %s' % (ip, job)
-            time.sleep(30)
-            #print 'terminate-instance %s' % (self. ip)
diff --git a/backend/errors.py b/backend/errors.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae8ac34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/errors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# copr error/exceptions
+class CoprBackendError(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, msg):
+        self.msg = msg
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.msg
+class CoprWorkerError(CoprBackendError):
+    pass
diff --git a/copr-be.py b/copr-be.py
index 4e8945b..39ebb48 100644
--- a/copr-be.py
+++ b/copr-be.py
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import sys
 import os
 import glob
 import time
-import json
 import multiprocessing
 from backend.dispatcher import Worker
+from backend import errors
 from bunch import Bunch
 from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
@@ -17,13 +17,6 @@ def _get_conf(cp, section, option, default):
         return cp.get(section, option)
     return default
-class CoprBackendError(Exception):
-    def __init__(self, msg):
-        self.msg = msg
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.msg
 class CoprBackend(object):
     def __init__(self, config_file=None):
@@ -31,7 +24,7 @@ class CoprBackend(object):
         # put all the config items into a single self.opts bunch
         if not config_file:
-            raise CoprBackendError, "Must specify config_file"
+            raise errors.CoprBackendError, "Must specify config_file"
         self.config_file = config_file
         self.opts = self.read_config()
@@ -58,73 +51,73 @@ class CoprBackend(object):
             opts.sleeptime = int(_get_conf(cp, 'backend', 'sleeptime', 10))
             opts.num_workers = int(_get_conf(cp, 'backend', 'num_workers', 8))
             opts.timeout = int(_get_conf(cp, 'builder', 'timeout', 1800))
-            opts.logfile = _get_conf(cp, 'backend', 'logfile', '/var/log/copr-be.log')
+            opts.logfile = _get_conf(cp, 'backend', 'logfile', '/var/log/copr/backend.log')
+            opts.worker_logdir = _get_conf(cp, 'backend', 'worker_logdir', '/var/log/copr/worker/')
             # thoughts for later
             # ssh key for connecting to builders?
             # cloud key stuff?
         except ConfigParser.Error, e:
-            raise CoprBackendError, 'Error parsing config file: %s: %s' % (self.config_file, e)
+            raise errors.CoprBackendError, 'Error parsing config file: %s: %s' % (self.config_file, e)
         if not opts.jobsdir or not opts.destdir:
-            raise CoprBackendError, "Incomplete Config - must specify jobsdir and destdir in configuration"
+            raise errors.CoprBackendError, "Incomplete Config - must specify jobsdir and destdir in configuration"
         return opts
     def log(self, msg):
-        if self.logfile:
-            now = time.time()
-            try:
-                open(self.logfn, 'a').write(str(now) + ':' + msg + '\n')
-            except (IOError, OSError), e:
-                print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not write to logfile %s - %s' % (self.lf, str(e))
-        if not self.quiet:
-            print msg
+        now = time.time()
+        try:
+            open(self.logfile, 'a').write(str(now) + ':' + msg + '\n')
+        except (IOError, OSError), e:
+            print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not write to logfile %s - %s' % (self.logfile, str(e))
     def run(self):
-        # start processing builds, etc
-        # setup and run our workers
-        for i in range(opts.num_workers):
-            w = backend.dispatcher.Worker(opts, jobs)
-            workers.append(w)
-            w.start()
         abort = False
         while not abort:
             print 'adding jobs'
-            for f in sorted(glob.glob(jobsdir + '/*.json')):
+            for f in sorted(glob.glob(self.opts.jobsdir + '/*.json')):
                 n = os.path.basename(f).replace('.json', '')
-                if not is_completed(n) and n not in added:
-                    #jobdata = open(f).read()
-                    jobs.put(n)
-                    added.append(n)
-                    print 'adding %s' % n
-            print "# jobs in queue: %s" % jobs.qsize()
-        # FIXME:
-        # look up number of workers in config
-        # see if it changed and update accordingly?
-        # poison pill? if opts.num_workers < len(workers)?
-        time.sleep(opts.sleeptime)
+                if n not in self.added_jobs:
+                    self.jobs.put(f)
+                    self.added_jobs.append(n)
+                    self.log('adding %s' % n)
+            # this handles starting/growing the number of workers
+            if len(self.workers) < self.opts.num_workers:
+                for i in range(self.opts.num_workers - len(self.workers)):
+                    w = dispatcher.Worker(self.opts, self.jobs)
+                    self.workers.append(w)
+                    w.start()
+            # FIXME - prune out workers
+            #if len(self.workers) > self.opts.num_workers:
+            #    killnum = len(self.workers) - self.opts.num_workers
+            #    for w in self.workers[:killnum]:
+            #       #insert a poison pill? Kill after something? I dunno.
+            # FIXME - if a worker bombs out - we need to check them
+            # and startup a new one if it happens
+            self.log("# jobs in queue: %s" % jobs.qsize())
+        time.sleep(self.opts.sleeptime)
-def is_completed(jobid):
-    if glob.glob(destdir + '/' + jobid + '*'):
-        return True
-    return False
 def main(args):
+    if len(args) < 1 or not os.path.exists(args[0]):
+        print 'Must pass in config file'
+        sys.exit(1)
+    try:
+        cbe = CoprBackend(args[0])
+        cbe.run()
+    except Exception, e:
+        print 'Killing/Dying'
+        for w in cbe.workers:
+            w.terminate()
+        raise
 if __name__ == '__main__':
@@ -134,6 +127,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         print "ERROR:  %s - %s" % (str(type(e)), str(e))
     except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
-        print "\nUser cancelled, need cleanup\n"
+        print "\nUser cancelled, may need cleanup\n"

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