Continuous Delivery

Stef Walter stefw at
Fri Aug 21 17:00:57 UTC 2015

Peter and I have been working on doing Cockpit releases for a while now.

Since we release every week, we'd like to make this more automatic. And
since we actually do full integration tests against various (so far
Fedora and CentOS) operating systems, we have a pretty good chance of
making continuous delivery be a reality.

I think we can get to the point where.

 a) Whenever a tag appears in git
   * Tarballs are built
   * Koji builds are done for unreleased Fedoras
   * Copr builds are done
   * Cockpit Web Service container builds are done

 b) Whenever a Koji build is done
   * It's tested against the full integration test suite
   * And if it passes all checks, gets turned into an update

For now we're working on part (a) ... and just working on the scripts to
automate the process. For now this runs on personal machines, and we'll
be using the scripts manually for the next few releases.

The scripts are here:

Hope this makes sense.

What about other non-Fedora operating systems? Well, the first step
would be to have them running the integration tests, which is no small
feat ... but possible if we have an interested contributor.



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