Cockpit Management Console

Marius Vollmer marius.vollmer at
Tue Aug 11 07:11:33 UTC 2015

Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh at> writes:

> On Mon, 2015-08-10 at 12:00 -0500, Paola Bás wrote:
>> Stephen, I want to know if Cockpit Management Console used to close
>> specific processes of another user from administrator account or log
>> out another user. If so, what documentation should I check or which
>> package is recommended for you to Fedora 22
>> Thank you for help me
> I'm CCing the cockpit developer list; please keep that in the loop.
> I realize that this is probably a language-barrier issue, but I'm not
> really sure what you're trying to ask.
> Are you asking if it is possible to terminate specific processes from
> Cockpit? The answer is basically "no". You can start, stop, enable or
> disable system services, but not user processes.

There is a "Terminate Session" button in the "Administrator Accounts"
section of Cockpit.  It will run "loginctl kill-user ...".

> To the best of my knowledge, Cockpit does not do any kind of session
> -tracking at the moment, but I believe systemd can, so this might be an
> interesting addition to the Cockpit UI.

Cockpit shows whether a user is currently logged in, and if not, the
time of the last login, by executing /usr/bin/lastlog.

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