[storaged] Mount points etc

Marius Vollmer marius.vollmer at redhat.com
Tue Oct 7 07:12:40 UTC 2014

Hi Tomas,

let's talk a bit about storaged, fstab, mount points, etc. :)

(I have CCed cockpit-devel, is there a better mailing list for

Going forward, we would like to remove all storage related code from
cockpitd and talk to storaged and udisksd directly from JavaScript.
Most of the cockpitd code right now is a boring proxy/merger for
storaged and udisksd, but some of it is non-trivial and should be moved
into storaged or udisksd.

That code is for cleaning up fstab when wiping/deleting some storage


For example, when deleting a partition, any entry in fstab that refers
to it should be removed.

The tricky bit is that we also want to do this for block devices that
might not currently exist, such as a stopped mdraid, a inactive logical
volume, or a locked encrypted device.

We have some test cases for this, which might help to explain what this
is all about:


Does this fit into your plans for storaged?

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