Call for votes: Server Technical Specification

Andreas Nilsson lists at
Mon Mar 3 14:04:30 UTC 2014

On 03/03/2014 02:00 PM, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> On 03/02/2014 09:58 PM, Máirín Duffy wrote:
>> I'll +1 but my concerns are as follows:
>> - The Accessibility section makes no statements about Cockpit's
>> a11y or required state of a11y; is the web ui designed in such a
>> way to be usable by those using screen readers? I've not used it
>> but with the general popularity if JS frameworks that aren't
>> necessarily screen-reader friendly it is a concern.
> This is a really good question, actually. I'm CCing the Cockpit
> development list to get a response from them.

Hi, good question! We in the Cockpit team haven't really talked about 
before. Thanks for bringing it up!
The framework we're using in Cockpit is Patternfly [1] that buils on top 
of Bootstrap [2], and it seems there is a plugin available that makes 
things vastly better for screen readers.


- Andreas

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