Evolving storaged API

Stef Walter stefw at redhat.com
Wed Jan 29 09:36:18 UTC 2014

On 28.01.2014 18:25, Marius Vollmer wrote:
> Jan Safranek <jsafrane at redhat.com> writes:
>> Just a question, will it still be possible to _easily_ match UDdisks
>> object with storaged objects? Now they have the same object path, will
>> it stay the same?
> Yes, that would stay the same.  Storaged would still export the
> LogicalVolumeBlock and PhysicalVolumeBlock interfaces on the UDisks2
> object paths.
> In addition, there would also be a new property on LogicalVolume and
> PhysicalVolume that points directly to the UDisks2 objects.

In general I agree with the approach you outlined.

That said, this worries me: The object paths that storaged exposes will
be affected by whether udisksd just happens to be running or not. This
is probably going to be surprising to some callers, no?


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