Initial setup status

Andreas Nilsson lists at
Tue Jan 14 19:00:05 UTC 2014

On 01/13/2014 05:37 PM, Marius Vollmer wrote:
> Andreas Nilsson <lists at> writes:
>> Nice!
>> Can this be activated by hitting somewhere in the entire cell instead?
>> It would make it a bigger hit target and be more consistent with the
>> rest of Cockpit's UI.
> Yes.  The only slight issue is that "Manage" is only available when
> there actually is a connection to the machine.  What should happen when
> the user clicks on the box of a disconnected machine?  Nothing?  A
> dialog that offers to reconnect?

What if it Connects and then goes directly to Manage upon click (and 
gives an error if it doesn't succeed)?
I don't think a dialog would be needed in that case.
- Andreas

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