questions from new user

Jeremy Eder jeder at
Tue Feb 25 01:41:25 UTC 2014

Hi, I saw Stef Walter's preso at devconf and thought it looked really slick.  I just messed around briefly/looked at the mail archives and had a few questions:

1) On my f20 laptop that has 4 cores, I have a little cpu burner loop that spins on a single core.  If I launch the spinner, I only see like 3% cpu util in the GUI.  I would have expected somewhere near 25%.  I'm using cockpit-0.2-0.4.20140204git5e1faad.fc20.x86_64.

2) I addition to throughput, rx/tx packets-per-second graph is also an interesting stat.  The data is in /proc/net/dev

3) Any reason there is no Y-axis to the home screen live-graphs ?

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