Patched UDisks2 -> storaged, for real now

Marius Vollmer marius.vollmer at
Mon Feb 3 10:57:45 UTC 2014


Cockpit master now uses storaged instead of the patched UDisks2, and
cockpit-deps has been cleanup accordingly.


There is also a new "cockpit" flavored image for the test suite.  The
'testsuite-prepare' script should pick it up automatically.

It's probably necessary to run "./make-rpms --clean" once to flush the
old UDisks2 out of your build chroots, but it shouldn't do any harm

This means that all (three! :-) pending pull requests are now broken
until they are rebased to master.  That's not a problem, of course, and
I'll do that soonish (if nobody beats me to it).

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