Udisks LVM addon

Stef Walter stefw at redhat.com
Thu Dec 12 17:00:28 UTC 2013

As discussed on IRC and elsewhere, I've been working on a LVM addon for
udisks. This is mainly so we can get away from our custom patched
version of udisks.

This takes Marius' LVM patches and puts them in their own daemon:


Basic untested implementation here, mostly written today, for the
morbidly curious:


 * I need to test it, just compiled, not run.
 * I need to document it.
 * I need to make udisks-lvm quit when not in use.

So don't run it ... yet. As I write this a crasher bug popped into my
head that I'm sure to while testing. Probably at least a few more days
of work before it's in a usable state.

A bit about what's going on. There's a new set of com.redhat.lvw2.xxx

Two of them are meant to extend block objects: LogicalVolumeBlock (when
a block is an activated logical volume) and PhysicalVolumeBlock (when a
block is a configured physical volume). These live at the same object
paths in the udisks-lvm daemon as the real blocks in udisksd.

The c.r.l.Manager interface extends the o.f.U.Manager interface, and
should live at the same object path.

So at a high level ... I know in discussions with some of you I said
this wasn't a viable scheme. That was because I was trying to make
things too general previously and cover other technologies. Now that
I've limited the scope of this addon to LVM only, I didn't run into any
major blockers ... yet :)



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