Accountsservice removed from cockpit-deps

Marius Vollmer marius.vollmer at
Thu Dec 5 07:55:14 UTC 2013


I just realized I should write a bit more about the clerical
consequences of removing accountsservice from cockpit-deps.

- You might need to re-download the base tarball from:

- You need to recreate the test machine images:

      $ cd ..../cockpit/
      $ ./PREPARE
      $ mv test/stage/images/* $TEST_DATA/images

- You need to clean the mock chroot:

      $ cd ..../cockpit/test
      $ mock --confdir mock/ -r fedora-20-x86_64-cockpit --scrub=all

Otherwise you will still end up using our patched version.

(Redownloading the base tarball is only necessary because that tarball
was broken.  Normally, removing a package from cockpit-deps doesn't
affect the base tarball.)

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