[cobbler] A question on "management interfaces"

Michael Tiernan mtiernan at mit.edu
Tue Sep 23 14:44:29 UTC 2014

I know what *I* think of when I see the button for "Management
Interface" when configuring a system but I'm curious about a couple of
things and I suspect getting them well documented for those who come
after us might be a good idea.

So, I'm going to pose them here in the hopes that it stirs others to
consider the info and/or answers and maybe allow a dialog where this
stuff gets more understanding across the board.

1) What exactly does cobbler think a management interface is?

2) Are there any restrictions or conditions on declaring something as a
management interface?

3) Does cobbler allow me to have more than one management interface?
(Either by error or design.)

4) Does value of the flag for "management interface" get used *anywhere*
else inside of cobbler or is it only an indicator?

5) What effect might I expect to see on a system that does NOT have any
interface declared as a management interface?

Thanks for everyone's time!

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