[cobbler] Creating VM's under ESXi5.5

Vruwink, Timothy Roger vruwink at illinois.edu
Tue Feb 18 17:55:43 UTC 2014

Hello -

I am not finding much information with regards to provisioning guest VM's under a VMware vCenter 5.5 cluster (esxi 5.5 hosts) using cobbler.

I have Cobbler installed as a VM, and was able to PXE boot a guest VM, and install a very basic CentOS VM.  However, I had to carve out the storage, setup the base VM, and copy the MAC address into my Cobbler (script?).

Is there support in Cobbler to further automate this?  Or would I be better off using KVM/Xen or another virtualization solution?

Thank you.


Tim Vruwink      vruwink at illinois.edu<mailto:vruwink at illinois.edu>
Research Programmer, Library IMS
424 Main Library, 1408 W Gregory Dr.
Office: 217-265-0895   Cell: 217-202-1607

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