[cobbler] How to debug...

André Gemünd andre.gemuend at scai.fraunhofer.de
Mon Aug 4 16:03:56 UTC 2014

Hi Michael,

which version is this? 2.6? Your sync output is indeed incomplete. The interesting part is right before "copying files for distro" (which is already handled by a different code branch). You are missing a lot of output there, e.g. "copying distros to tftpboot", "copying images", "generating PXE configuration files", etc.

Thats why I'd assume that it fails inside pxegen.copy_bootloaders(). Unfortunately, it does not contain much logging. I'd start there and add logging myself if I was you (e.g. to the last line of copy_bootloaders, to see if it ever reaches there).

> > Are you sure static was not ticked for ip on the interface ?
> It is and that's legal. It still generates the correct DHCP
> information
> (which works properly.) (And yes, I've tried it without now too.)

Yes, the static is just for post-installation configuration, otherwise you could never PXE install these machines. Although if always_write_dhcp_entries is off, and netboot is disabled, the DHCP entry is left out, imho. 


André Gemünd
Fraunhofer-Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing
andre.gemuend at scai.fraunhofer.de
Tel: +49 2241 14-2193
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