[cobbler] cobbler 2.4.0 Ubuntu repository mirroring hostname off-by-one parsing error?

Zack Perry zack.perry at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 28 18:28:38 UTC 2012

cobbler: 2.4.0 from epel-testing
host   : SL 6.43 64 bit

In http://cobbler.github.com/manuals/2.2.3/4/7_-_Package_Management_and_Mirroring.html "Also apt" section, there is this example:

cobbler repo add --name=foo --mirror=http://url --breed=apt --arch=i386

So far, I have been using either ISO image import or apt-mirror to do direct Ubuntu mirror as debmirror was not available for RHEL for quite some time.  But now since debmirror is on my cobbler server, so I decided to give cobbler's apt mirror a work-out:

[root at cobbler ~]# cobbler repo add --name=ubtest --mirror=http://us.archive.ubuntu.com --breed=apt --arch=x86_64
[root at cobbler ~]# cd /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror
[root at cobbler ks_mirror]# cobbler repo list
[root at cobbler ks_mirror]# cobbler reposync
task started: 2012-11-28_095927_reposync
task started (id=Reposync, time=Wed Nov 28 09:59:27 2012)
hello, reposync
run, reposync, run!
running: /usr/bin/debmirror --passive --nocleanup --method=http --host=us.archive.ubuntu.co --root=us.archive.ubuntu.co --dist=hive.ubuntu.com  /var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror/ubtest --nosource -a amd64
received on stdout: gpgv: keyblock resource `/var/lib/cobbler/.gnupg/trustedkeys.gpg': No such file or directory
gpgv: no valid OpenPGP data found.
gpgv: the signature could not be verified.
Please remember that the signature file (.sig or .asc)
should be the first file given on the command line.
 Release gpg signature does not verify

received on stderr: rsync: failed to connect to us.archive.ubuntu.co: Connection timed out (110)
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(124) [receiver=3.0.6]
Warning: failed to use rsync to download extra files.

So, the character 'm' in the us.archive.ubuntu.com got chopped off before the source hostname was fed to debmirror.  Looks like there is an off-by-one error in action_reposync.py?

   474              idx = mirror.find("://")
   475              method = mirror[:idx]
   476              mirror = mirror[idx+3:]
   478              idx = mirror.find("/")
   479              host = mirror[:idx]
   480              mirror = mirror[idx+1:]
   482              idx = mirror.rfind("/dists/")
   483              suite = mirror[idx+7:]
   484              mirror = mirror[:idx]
   486              mirror_data = "--method=%s --host=%s --root=%s --dist=%s " % ( method , host , mirror , suite )


-- Zack

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