[cobbler] Cobbler 2.4.0, Ubuntu 12.04.1 64bit server == not using local repo?

Zack Perry zack.perry at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 14 21:47:54 UTC 2012

Hi Andrew,
We have built some Debian/Ubuntu snippets here locally but there is some hard coded entries currently so we haven't released them publicly.

Be wary when he says that the RAID and LVM stuff is broken in preseed. It really isn't broken, it just takes some getting used to. I've written a bit about dealing with partman (Shameless plug) on my blog (http://bit.ly/ZKBkdJ and http://bit.ly/SYoSHe) if you need some examples on how to use some of the advanced features disk features.Thanks for the great blogs.  Well written, clear, and understandable.


The logs are saved in /var/log/installer on the newly installed system so that you can view them after the installation.
Again, thanks for the tip.  Now it's much better.  Look at busybox's command list http://www.busybox.net/downloads/BusyBox.html, upon seeing the nc command, my eyes lit up ;-)  There should be a way to transfer the log during installation to the cobbler server or any other server in a streaming fashion - a basis for building something like anamon for RH alike systems.
Comments to the above idea welcome.  I need to get to know about Debian installer to see if there is a way to cook up something ...


-- Zack
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