Is there a way to get a list of loaded kernel modules in cobbler snippets?

Christian Horn chorn at
Sat Jul 30 06:04:31 UTC 2011


On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 12:58:21AM +0200, Luc de Louw wrote:
> I wonder if ther is a way to get a list of loaded kernel modules inside 
> of cobbler snippets.

'cat /proc/modules' might be the best way, not requiring lsmod.

> Background: I want to check if there is a loaded cciss module and thus 
> setting the install disk to /dev/cciss/c0d0 if not the install disk 
> should be /dev/sda.

list-harddrives might also help there, as long as the cciss devices have
the 'cciss' in their path.  IIRC this will or has als been changed, they
will appear as sdX then.
/proc/devices might also be of help.


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