I need some help building snippets

Dan White ygor at comcast.net
Fri Jul 29 13:53:04 UTC 2011

I have some python code that does what I want to do in a snippet, but I cannot translate it into something that will get past the cheetah compile/conversion.

Just a few lines - here they are:

<python code>
import sys, ConfigParser


print cf

list=cf.read ( 'mysettings.cfg' )
sys.stdout.write("cfg file=")
print list

print cf.sections()

print cf.get ( 'MySection', 'field1' )
print cf.get ( 'MySection', 'field2' )
</python code>

The file (mysettings.cfg) contains:
field1 = this
field2 = that

When I execute this python script, I get this output:
cf=<ConfigParser.ConfigParser instance at (address)>
cfg file=['mysettings.cfg']

Now to the cobbler/cheetah snippet:
#import ConfigParser
#set $cf=$ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

#echo 'cf=>'
#echo $cf
#echo '\n'

#set $list=$cf.read ( 'mysettings.cfg' )

#echo 'cfg file=>'
#echo $list
#echo '\n'

#set $sec = $cf.sections()

#echo 'sections=>'
#echo $sec
#echo '\n'

#set $one = $cf.get ( 'MySection', 'field1' )
#echo $one

#set $two = $cf.get ( 'MySection', 'field2' )
#echo $two

But the cheetah fails in an odd (to me) way.

First of all, the line:
#set $list=$cf.read ( 'mysettings.cfg' )
fails unless I change it to :
#set $list= cf.read ( 'mysettings.cfg' )

and then I get the following output:
cf=<ConfigParser.ConfigParser instance at (address)>
cfg file=[]
and then the script will fail on the "get" method calls

Any suggestions / clues out there ?

“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
Bill Waterson (Calvin & Hobbes)

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