DHCP Configuration

Nathan Higgins nathan at link9.net
Thu Jul 28 13:44:35 UTC 2011

Hey all,

I'm trying to exclude some interfaces from having DHCP entries as they
appear to break the DHCP config by appending aliases with ':2' ':3'

An example of the interface from a cobbler report:

Interface =====                : dmz:1
Bonding Mode                   :
Bonding Master                 :
Bonding Opts                   :
DHCP Tag                       :
DNS Name                       : test.alias.domain.install
IP Address                     :
IPv6 Address                   :
IPv6 Default Gateway           :
IPv6 MTU                       :
IPv6 Secondaries               : []
IPv6 Static Routes             : []
MAC Address                    : 00:16:3e:ec:7e:73
MTU                            :
Static                         : True
Static Routes                  : []
Subnet                         :
Virt Bridge                    :

This causes DHCPd to error with:

/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf line 30: expecting left brace.
    host test.alias.domain.install_dmz:
( ^ is below the ':')

In the DHCP config file it looks like this:

group {
    host test.alias.domain.install_dmz:1 {
        hardware ethernet 00:16:3e:ec:7e:73;

I thought 'Static: True' would prevent the entry but seems not.

Cobbler version is: 2.1.0-0ubuntu7

Any ideas as to either stop certain interfaces from getting dhcp
entries, or how to stop it trying to put a colon in an entry would be



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