Add interface to system through XMLRPC

Paul van der Mark paulvdm at
Fri Jul 22 19:53:33 UTC 2011

Hello Stuart.

>> machine. I can add hosts, but I can't seem to find the right rpc call to
>> add an interface; I found some old webpages mentioning

> The call you seem to need is the 'modify_interface' call, part of
> modify_system (I recall it taking me some time to figure this out, too)
> self.session.modify_system(sysid,
>    'modify_interface',
>    {
>    "%s-%s" %(param, iface) : value,
>    }, tok )

That was exactly what I was looking for and work perfectly (in perl it
looks like

$xmlrpcclient->call('modify_system', $system, "modify_interface",
\%eth0, $token))


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