Add interface to system through XMLRPC

Paul van der Mark paulvdm at
Fri Jul 22 16:30:08 UTC 2011

Dear list,

We are moving our existing cluster (rocks, centos 5.4 based) to RHEL 6
this summer and I'm pretty new with regards to cobbler. I'm trying to
add hosts to cobbler on our satellite server using XMLRPC from a remove
machine. I can add hosts, but I can't seem to find the right rpc call to
add an interface; I found some old webpages mentioning
"modify_interface" but it looks like all X_interface calls are gone? I
have read the cobbler wiki, but the CobblerXmlrpc page doesn't mention
anything about interfaces.

Is anyone on the list using cobbler's RPC facility to create/modify
hosts and if so, what would be a good source of information?

Cobbler: cobbler-2.0.7-11.el5sat
Perl and the Frontier package for RPC.


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