pxe_just_once does not work for me

Clint Byrum clint at ubuntu.com
Wed Jul 13 21:22:56 UTC 2011

Excerpts from Kashif Mohammad's message of Tue Jul 12 07:13:01 -0700 2011:
> Hi
> I did some googling and it seems that it is kickstart_done in kickstart file which triggers disabling of netboot in cobbler. What is the equivalent of kickstart_done in preseed or Ubuntu is not supported for pxe_just_once.
> Wget is also installed on both machines.

This came up on IRC today and we figured that You'll have to do it with
late_command, but that its totally doable.. something like

d-i   preseed/late_command string wget http://$http_server/cblr/svc/op/nopxe/system/$name

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