*paid install help?*: Cobbler on a OpenVZ container / "dhcpd" failing

Bob Cochran bcochran13 at verizon.net
Wed Jul 13 00:47:20 UTC 2011


First let me make a disclaimer: I don't have much experience with 
virtualization, but I do have some. That experience is a bit rusty. I 
don't have much experience with cobbler, but I do have some. That 
experience, too, is rusty. And I'm accordingly rusty with networking as 
it applies to virtual machines. A little reading tonight has helped me 
understand more about that. With all that said, I think I can give you a 
pretty good analogy that makes your goal easier to understand.

Let's imagine you are in New Jersey at Hazard's Dock in the year 1870 
and you look across the Hudson River towards New York. You realize that 
day that one can save a lot of time in going to and from New York if 
only there were a bridge across the river there that pedestrians, 
horses, and railroad traffic could use, and ships could still pass under.

Well, the VPS ethernet connection is like Hazard's Dock that year: real 
busy, but no packets are getting to New York yet. Think of the landing 
point in New York as the ethernet connection of the physical host 
computer. No packets from that are getting to New Jersey, either. They 
are waiting for a bridge so they can cross and there can be two way 
traffic over the river. You want to allow ethernet traffic to pass 
between the host computer's physical ethernet adapter and your virtual 
adapter on the VPS. That will let networking happen. That in turn will 
let DHCP services happen.

Now the person who made the post you are referencing on the OpenVz 
forums is talking specifically about a CentOS 5.2 kernel. The CentOS 
kernels are all based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions. So the 
kernels are all generically "Red Hat" kernels. The poster for that 
checked the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation for building an 
ethernet "bridge" adapter between the VPS and the physical ethernet 
adapter on the physical host computer (eth0). Red Hat has loads of 
documentation for their Red Hat Enterprise Linux product; and CentOS 
points to it on their website at http://www.centos.org/

Is your host kernel a Red Hat-produced kernel? If not, you will have to 
consult the documentation for your specific host kernel for how to build 
a bridge ethernet adapter. That is one of the issues here, I think.

So, what kernel are you running on your host computer? And what kernel 
are you running for your VPS? With a bit of study of the documentation 
for these kernels, you should be able to code and test a network bridge 
between the two.


On 7/12/11 7:29 PM, Frank wrote:
> Okay, the how-to instructions are pretty clear on both URLs posted.
> But this is still a little above my head as I am not fully
> understanding what's happening.
> http://forum.openvz.org/index.php?t=msg&goto=33837
> The how-to here, that is on the VPS/container -- or on the the host
> note? (I beg for your patience.) I tried that on the VPS, and this
> does not work for me.
> Frank
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