*paid install help?*: Cobbler on a OpenVZ container / "dhcpd" failing

marek.dohojda at thomsonreuters.com marek.dohojda at thomsonreuters.com
Tue Jul 12 22:45:59 UTC 2011

Never said it wasn't possible, just not the way you defined dhcp and trying to run currently :)

Good luck!

Marek Dohojda

77 68 6f 20 69 73 20 4a 6f 68 6e 20 47 61 6c 74 3f 0d 0a 

-----Original Message-----
From: cobbler-bounces at lists.fedorahosted.org [mailto:cobbler-bounces at lists.fedorahosted.org] On Behalf Of Frank
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 4:44 PM
To: cobbler mailing list
Subject: Re: *paid install help?*: Cobbler on a OpenVZ container / "dhcpd" failing

Dear Marek and Bob:

That now sounds as if it goes to the right direction.

Before anything -- such setup, Cobbler on a VPS, does work ... I know 
because I had it working before on the old Virtuozzo server this way, 
but only with the help of someone else on this list (who also posted 
today :)

Anyway, in my notes I found the following HOW-TO for setting up a bridge:

"112" is here the container number.

Create "veth" network on VPS:
    vzctl set 112 --netif_add eth1 --save
    vzctl set 112 --ifname eth1 --nameserver --save
x   vzctl set 112 --ifname eth1 --gateway --save
    vzctl set 112 --ifname eth1 --ipadd --save
x   vznetcfg br new vzbridge1 vznet1
x   vzctl set 112 --ifname eth1 --network vznet1 --save
x   vznetcfg br attach vzbridge1 eth0

The lines above marced with an x get me errors:
    ERROR: vzctl: unrecognized option `--gateway'
    ERROR: invalid action
    ERROR: vzctl: unrecognized option `--network'

I will try to follow the forum posting (THANKS) you just posted -- 
and will update you later:


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