gfs2-utils: RHEL7 - gfs2_lockcapture: Fixed header to use absolute path and modified some options

Andrew Price andyp at
Mon Sep 8 17:32:25 UTC 2014

Commit:        fa0b88b4be4b6e98c175b4ac9678b4504de2287f
Parent:        59535d92b7c979bd25716d81564b1de133634134
Author:        Shane Bradley <sbradley at>
AuthorDate:    Tue Aug 20 09:05:45 2013 -0400
Committer:     Andrew Price <anprice at>
CommitterDate: Thu Jul 24 16:06:48 2014 +0100

gfs2_lockcapture: Fixed header to use absolute path and modified some options

Fix the header to use absolute path. The "-o" has been modified
so that it takes a path that will be used to create the root directory of where
the data will be written and will be location of the tarball that is
created. Added undocumented(private) "-m" option that will capture the required
data and additional data that is not captured by default because sometimes it
can cause hangs to occur in certain situations. Removed the data capture of the
command "lsof" cause it might cause hangs when capturing lockdumps cause of
symlink lookup.

Signed-off-by: Shane Bradley <sbradley at>
 gfs2/man/gfs2_lockcapture.8   |    2 +-
 gfs2/scripts/gfs2_lockcapture |  189 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 2 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gfs2/man/gfs2_lockcapture.8 b/gfs2/man/gfs2_lockcapture.8
index 231207e..7d51ccb 100644
--- a/gfs2/man/gfs2_lockcapture.8
+++ b/gfs2/man/gfs2_lockcapture.8
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Prints information about the mounted GFS2 file systems.
 The gathering of process information will be disabled.
 \fB-o \fI<output directory>, \fB--path_to_output_dir\fR=\fI<output directory>\fP
-The directory where all the collect data will stored.
+The directory where all the collect data will be stored.
 \fB-r \fI<number of runs>,  \fB--num_of_runs\fR=\fI<number of runs>\fP
 The number of runs capturing the lockdump data. The default is 3 runs.
diff --git a/gfs2/scripts/gfs2_lockcapture b/gfs2/scripts/gfs2_lockcapture
index 81a0aeb..8839818 100644
--- a/gfs2/scripts/gfs2_lockcapture
+++ b/gfs2/scripts/gfs2_lockcapture
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
 The script "gfs2_lockcapture" will capture locking information from GFS2 file
 systems and DLM.
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import os
 import os.path
 import logging
 import logging.handlers
-from optparse import OptionParser, Option
+from optparse import OptionParser, Option, SUPPRESS_HELP
 import time
 import platform
 import shutil
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import tarfile
 sure only 1 instance of this script is running at any time.
 MAIN_LOGGER_NAME = "%s" %(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
 PATH_TO_PID_FILENAME = "/var/run/" %(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
@@ -190,12 +190,11 @@ def runCommand(command, listOfCommandOptions, standardOut=subprocess.PIPE, stand
         commandOptionString = ""
         for option in listOfCommandOptions:
             commandOptionString += "%s " %(option)
-        message = "An error occurred running the command: $ %s %s\n" %(command, commandOptionString)
-        if (len(stdout) > 0):
-            message += stdout
-        message += "\n"
-        if (len(stderr) > 0):
-            message += stderr
+        message = "An error occurred running the command: $ %s %s" %(command, commandOptionString)
+        if (len(stdout.rstrip()) > 0):
+            message += "\n%s" %(stdout.rstrip())
+        if (len(stderr.rstrip()) > 0):
+            message += "\n%s" %(stderr.rstrip())
     return False
@@ -232,12 +231,11 @@ def runCommandOutput(command, listOfCommandOptions, standardOut=subprocess.PIPE,
         commandOptionString = ""
         for option in listOfCommandOptions:
             commandOptionString += "%s " %(option)
-        message = "An error occurred running the command: $ %s %s\n" %(command, commandOptionString)
-        if (len(stdout) > 0):
-            message += stdout
-        message += "\n"
-        if (len(stderr) > 0):
-            message += stderr
+        message = "An error occurred running the command: $ %s %s" %(command, commandOptionString)
+        if (len(stdout.rstrip()) > 0):
+            message += "\n%s" %(stdout.rstrip())
+        if (len(stderr.rstrip()) > 0):
+            message += "\n%s" %(stderr.rstrip())
         return None
     return stdout.strip().rstrip()
@@ -790,12 +788,11 @@ def getLabelMapForMountedFilesystems(clusterName, listOfMountedFilesystems):
 # #####################################################################
 # Gather output from command functions
 # #####################################################################
-def gatherGeneralInformation(pathToDSTDir):
+def gatherHostData(pathToDSTDir):
     This function will gather general information about the cluster and write
     the results to a file. The following data will be captured: hostname, date,
-    uname -a, uptime, contents of /proc/mounts, and ps h -AL -o tid,s,cmd.
+    uname -a, uptime.
     @param pathToDSTDir: This is the path to directory where the files will be
     written to.
@@ -811,19 +808,16 @@ def gatherGeneralInformation(pathToDSTDir):
         systemString += "UPTIME=%s" %(stdout)
     writeToFile(os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, "hostinformation.txt"), systemString, createFile=True)
-    # Copy misc files
-    pathToSrcFile = "/proc/mounts"
-    copyFile(pathToSrcFile, os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, pathToSrcFile.strip("/")))
-    pathToSrcFile = "/proc/slabinfo"
-    copyFile(pathToSrcFile, os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, pathToSrcFile.strip("/")))
+def gatherDiagnosticData(pathToDSTDir):
+    """
+    This function will gather general information about the cluster and write (or
+    copy) the results to a file.
-    # Copy the DLM hash table sizes:
-    pathToHashTableFiles = ["/sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/lkbtbl_size", "/sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/dirtbl_size",
-                            "/sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/rsbtbl_size"]
-    for pathToSrcFile in pathToHashTableFiles:
-        if (os.path.exists(pathToSrcFile)):
-            copyFile(pathToSrcFile, os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, pathToSrcFile.strip("/")))
+    @param pathToDSTDir: This is the path to directory where the files will be
+    written to.
+    @type pathToDSTDir: String
+    """
     # Get "ps -eo user,pid,%cpu,%mem,vsz,rss,tty,stat,start,time,comm,wchan" data.
     # Get " ps h -AL -o tid,s,cmd
     command = "ps"
@@ -837,6 +831,28 @@ def gatherGeneralInformation(pathToDSTDir):
         message = "There was an error writing the command output for %s to the file %s." %(command, pathToCommandOutput)
+    # Copy misc files
+    pathToSrcFile = "/proc/mounts"
+    copyFile(pathToSrcFile, os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, pathToSrcFile.strip("/")))
+    pathToSrcFile = "/proc/slabinfo"
+    copyFile(pathToSrcFile, os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, pathToSrcFile.strip("/")))
+    # Copy the DLM hash table sizes:
+    pathToHashTableFiles = ["/sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/lkbtbl_size", "/sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/dirtbl_size",
+                            "/sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/rsbtbl_size"]
+    for pathToSrcFile in pathToHashTableFiles:
+        if (os.path.exists(pathToSrcFile)):
+            copyFile(pathToSrcFile, os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, pathToSrcFile.strip("/")))
+def gatherOptionalDiagnosticData(pathToDSTDir):
+    """
+    This function will gather optional information about the cluster and write
+    the results to a file.
+    @param pathToDSTDir: This is the path to directory where the files will be
+    written to.
+    @type pathToDSTDir: String
+    """
     # Get df -h ouput
     command = "df"
     pathToCommandOutput = os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, "df-h.cmd")
@@ -848,17 +864,6 @@ def gatherGeneralInformation(pathToDSTDir):
         message = "There was an error writing the command output for %s to the file %s." %(command, pathToCommandOutput)
-    # Get lsof ouput
-    command = "lsof"
-    pathToCommandOutput = os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, "lsof.cmd")
-    try:
-        fout = open(pathToCommandOutput, "w")
-        runCommand(command, [], standardOut=fout)
-        fout.close()
-    except IOError:
-        message = "There was an error writing the command output for %s to the file %s." %(command, pathToCommandOutput)
-        logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
     # Write the status of all the nodes in the cluster out.
     if (runCommand("which", ["cman_tool"])):
         command = "cman_tool"
@@ -1089,13 +1094,18 @@ def __getOptions(version) :
                          help="the gathering of process information will be disabled",
+    cmdParser.add_option("-m", "--diagnostic_data",
+                         action="store_true",
+                         dest="enableDiagnosticData",
+                         help=SUPPRESS_HELP,
+                         default=False)
     cmdParser.add_option("-o", "--path_to_output_dir",
                          help="the directory where all the collect data will be stored",
                          metavar="<output directory>",
-                         default="")
+                         default="/tmp")
     cmdParser.add_option("-r", "--num_of_runs",
@@ -1154,15 +1164,13 @@ class OptionParserExtended(OptionParser):
         examplesMessage += "\nIt will do 3 runs of gathering the lockdump information in 10 second intervals for only the"
         examplesMessage += "\nGFS2 filesystems with the names myGFS2vol2,myGFS2vol1. Then it will archive and compress"
-        examplesMessage += "\nthe data collected in the output directory:"
-        examplesMessage += "\n/tmp/cluster42-gfs2_lockcapture and all the questions will be answered with yes.\n"
-        examplesMessage += "\n# %s -r 3 -s 10 -n myGFS2vol2,myGFS2vol1 -o /tmp/cluster42-gfs2_lockcapture -y\n" %(self.__commandName)
+        examplesMessage += "\nthe data collected in the output directory /tmp and all the questions will be answered with yes.\n"
+        examplesMessage += "\n# %s -r 3 -s 10 -n myGFS2vol2,myGFS2vol1 -o /tmp -y\n" %(self.__commandName)
         examplesMessage += "\nIt will do 2 runs of gathering the lockdump information in 25 second intervals for all the"
         examplesMessage += "\nmounted GFS2 filesystems. The gathering process data will be disabled. Then it will archive and compress"
-        examplesMessage += "\nthe data collected in the output directory:"
-        examplesMessage += "\n/tmp/cluster42-gfs2_lockcapture and all the questions will be answered with yes.\n"
-        examplesMessage += "\n# %s -r 2 -s 25 -P -o /tmp/cluster42-gfs2_lockcapture\n" %(self.__commandName)
+        examplesMessage += "\nthe data collected in the output directory: /tmp and all the questions will be answered with yes.\n"
+        examplesMessage += "\n# %s -r 2 -s 25 -P -o /tmp\n" %(self.__commandName)
         print examplesMessage
@@ -1264,7 +1272,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             message = "Debugging has been enabled."
         if (cmdLineOpts.disableLoggingToConsole):
-            logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL)
+            streamHandler.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)
         # #######################################################################
         # Check to see if pid file exists and error if it does.
         # #######################################################################
@@ -1305,7 +1313,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         # #######################################################################
         # Verify they want to continue because this script will trigger sysrq events.
         # #######################################################################
-        if (not cmdLineOpts.disableQuestions):
+        if (not cmdLineOpts.disableQuestions and not cmdLineOpts.disableProcessGather):
             valid = {"yes":True, "y":True, "no":False, "n":False}
             question = "This script will trigger a sysrq -t event or collect the data for each pid directory located in /proc for each run. Are you sure you want to continue?"
             prompt = " [y/n] "
@@ -1326,14 +1334,11 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         # Create the output directory to verify it can be created before
         # proceeding unless it is already created from a previous run data needs
         # to be analyzed. Probably could add more debugging on if file or dir.
-        # #######################################################################
-        pathToOutputDir = cmdLineOpts.pathToOutputDir
-        if (not len(pathToOutputDir) > 0):
-            pathToOutputDir = "%s" %(os.path.join("/tmp", "%s-%s" %(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S"), os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))))
-        # #######################################################################
         # Backup any existing directory with same name as current output
         # directory.
         # #######################################################################
+        pathToOutputDir = "%s" %(os.path.join(cmdLineOpts.pathToOutputDir, "%s-%s" %(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))))
         if (backupOutputDirectory(pathToOutputDir)):
             message = "This directory that will be used to capture all the data: %s" %(pathToOutputDir)
@@ -1388,38 +1393,13 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             # Gather various bits of data from the clusternode.
-            message = "Pass (%d/%d): Gathering general information about the host." %(i, cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns)
+            message = "Pass (%d/%d): Gathering simple data about the host." %(i, cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns)
-            gatherGeneralInformation(pathToOutputRunDir)
+            gatherHostData(pathToOutputRunDir)
             # Write the clusternode name and id to the general information file.
             writeToFile(os.path.join(pathToOutputRunDir, "hostinformation.txt"),
                         "NODE_NAME=%s\nNODE_ID=%d" %(clusternode.getClusterNodeName(), clusternode.getClusterNodeID()),
                         appendToFile=True, createFile=True)
-            # Going to sleep for 2 seconds, so that TIMESTAMP should be in the
-            # past in the logs so that capturing sysrq data will be guaranteed.
-            time.sleep(2)
-            # If enabled then gather the process data.
-            if (not cmdLineOpts.disableProcessGather):
-                # Gather the backtraces for all the pids, by grabbing the /proc/<pid
-                # number> or triggering sysrq events to capture task bask traces
-                # from log.
-                # Gather the data in the /proc/<pid> directory if the file
-                # </proc/<pid>/stack exists. If file exists we will not trigger
-                # sysrq events.
-                # Should I gather anyhow and only capture sysrq if needed.
-                pathToPidData = "/proc"
-                if (isProcPidStackEnabled(pathToPidData)):
-                    message = "Pass (%d/%d): Triggering the capture of all pid directories in %s." %(i, cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns, pathToPidData)
-                    logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).debug(message)
-                    gatherPidData(pathToPidData, os.path.join(pathToOutputRunDir, pathToPidData.strip("/")))
-                else:
-                    message = "Pass (%d/%d): Triggering the sysrq events for the host since stack was not captured in pid directory." %(i, cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns)
-                    logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).debug(message)
-                    triggerSysRQEvents()
             # #######################################################################
             # Gather the DLM data and lock-dumps
             # #######################################################################
@@ -1444,16 +1424,55 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             if(gatherGFS2LockDumps(pathToOutputRunDir, clusternode.getMountedGFS2FilesystemNames())):
                 exitCode = 0
+            # If enabled then gather the process data. This will be included even if -R option is enabled.
+            if (not cmdLineOpts.disableProcessGather):
+                # Gather the backtraces for all the pids, by grabbing the /proc/<pid
+                # number> or triggering sysrq events to capture task bask traces
+                # from log.
+                # Gather the data in the /proc/<pid> directory if the file
+                # </proc/<pid>/stack exists. If file exists we will not trigger
+                # sysrq events.
+                # Should I gather anyhow and only capture sysrq if needed.
+                pathToPidData = "/proc"
+                if (isProcPidStackEnabled(pathToPidData)):
+                    message = "Pass (%d/%d): Triggering the capture of all pid directories in %s." %(i, cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns, pathToPidData)
+                    logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).debug(message)
+                    gatherPidData(pathToPidData, os.path.join(pathToOutputRunDir, pathToPidData.strip("/")))
+                else:
+                    message = "Pass (%d/%d): Triggering the sysrq events for the host since stack was not captured in pid directory." %(i, cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns)
+                    logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).debug(message)
+                    triggerSysRQEvents()
             # Gather log files
             message = "Pass (%d/%d): Gathering the log files for the host." %(i, cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns)
             gatherLogs(os.path.join(pathToOutputRunDir, "logs"))
+            # Gather diagnostic data
+            message = "Pass (%d/%d): Gathering diagnostic data about the host." %(i, cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).debug(message)
+            gatherDiagnosticData(pathToOutputRunDir)
+            if (cmdLineOpts.enableDiagnosticData):
+                # Gather diagnostic data
+                message = "Pass (%d/%d): Gathering optional diagnostic data about the host." %(i, cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns)
+                logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).debug(message)
+                gatherOptionalDiagnosticData(pathToOutputRunDir)
+            # #######################################################################
+            # Sleep for X seconds between runs
+            # #######################################################################
             # Sleep between each run if secondsToSleep is greater than or equal
-            # to 0 and current run is not the last run.
-            if ((cmdLineOpts.secondsToSleep >= 0) and (i < (cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns))):
-                message = "The script will sleep for %d seconds between each run of capturing the lockdump data." %(cmdLineOpts.secondsToSleep)
+            # to 0 and current run is not the last run. Add 2 seconds to each sleep so
+            # that we know that there is a timestamp difference in logs between runs.
+            # The minimal sleep is 2 seconds.
+            secondsToSleep = cmdLineOpts.secondsToSleep + 2
+            if (secondsToSleep < 2):
+                secondsToSleep = 2
+            if (i < cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns):
+                message = "The script will sleep for %d seconds between each run of capturing the lockdump data." %(secondsToSleep)
-                time.sleep(cmdLineOpts.secondsToSleep)
+                time.sleep(secondsToSleep)
             # Remove the handler:

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