fence-agents: master - lib: remove static metadata from fence.rng.head

Marek Grác marx at fedoraproject.org
Wed Mar 6 15:15:01 UTC 2013

Gitweb:        http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=fence-agents.git;a=commitdiff;h=908d85d56e6d6610e00876f04f0f0c12c22c412c
Commit:        908d85d56e6d6610e00876f04f0f0c12c22c412c
Parent:        c32708042d19bcb7265696581463fa28221305ce
Author:        Jan Pokorný <jpokorny at redhat.com>
AuthorDate:    Thu Feb 28 22:37:08 2013 +0100
Committer:     Marek 'marx' Grac <mgrac at redhat.com>
CommitterDate: Wed Mar 6 16:13:29 2013 +0100

lib: remove static metadata from fence.rng.head

Possible as:
- rps10: droped in aa905c0bf7a717648b44069e4a192f7afe0cda61
  (4 years back)
- brocade, mcdata, sanbox2, bladecenter, bullpap, ipmilan:
  generate metadata natively
- vixel, egenera, xcat: ditto
- na (Node Assassin): metadata enabled by previous commit

Signed-off-by: Jan Pokorný <jpokorny at redhat.com>
 fence/agents/lib/fence.rng.head |  129 ---------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)

diff --git a/fence/agents/lib/fence.rng.head b/fence/agents/lib/fence.rng.head
index 632bb53..22f4452 100644
--- a/fence/agents/lib/fence.rng.head
+++ b/fence/agents/lib/fence.rng.head
@@ -3,134 +3,5 @@
     <!-- begin specific fence devices -->
-       <!-- begin non-generated device definitions -->
-       <!-- RPS10 -->
-       <group rha:name="fence_rps10" rha:description="RPS10 Serial Switch" >
-        <attribute name="device" rha:description="The device the switch
-            is connected to on the controlling host."
-            rha:sample="/dev/ttys2"/>
-        <attribute name="port" rha:description="The switch outlet
-            number." rha:sample="2"/>
-       </group>
-       <!--FIXME: Determine if the following group should exclude
-       the auth and lanplus attributes. Those attributes apply only to
-       the impilan fence device.-->
-       <!-- Brocade, McData, SANBox2, Bladecenter,bullpap, ipmilan -->
-       <!-- FIXME split apart and add rha:name hints for
-            configuration utilities -->
-       <group>
-        <attribute name="ipaddr" rha:description="IP address or the name
-            of the device." rha:sample="rack007"/>
-        <optional>
-        <attribute name="login" rha:description="The login name used to
-            access the device. " rha:sample="admin"/>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-        <attribute name="passwd" rha:description="The password used to
-            authenticate the connection to the
-            device." rha:sample="pa$$word"/>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-        <attribute name="passwd_script" rha:description="The script that
-            supplies a password for access to the fence device. Using
-            this supersedes the Password parameter." rha:sample=""/>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-         <attribute name="auth" rha:description="For IPMI LAN
-             only. Authentication Type: none, password,
-             md2, or md5" rha:sample=""/>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-         <attribute name="lanplus" rha:description="For IPMI LAN only.
-             Set value to either True or 1; leave out for false."
-             rha:sample="True"/>
-        </optional>
-       </group>
-       <!-- Vixel -->
-       <group rha:name="fence_vixel">
-        <optional>
-         <attribute name="ipaddr" rha:description="IP address or the
-             name of the device." rha:sample=""/>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-        <attribute name="passwd" rha:description="The password used to
-            authenticate the connection to the
-            device." rha:sample="pa$$word"/>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-         <attribute name="passwd_script" rha:description="The script
-             that supplies a password for access to the
-             fence device. Using this supersedes the Password
-             parameter." rha:sample=""/>
-        </optional>
-       </group>
-       <!-- Egenera -->
-       <!-- FIXME: Note that in the schema web page each is listed as a
-       parameter. Likewise for Conga. In addition, Conga shows Ipan
-       and pserver parameters. Also, in Conga, the esh parameter is
-       an optional ESH path. Presumably those should be attributes in
-       the schema. We need more invormation on this. -->
-       <group rha:name="fence_egenera">
-        <optional>
-         <attribute name="cserver" rha:description="The hostname (and
-            optionally the username in the form of username at hostname)
-            assigned to the device. Refer to the fence_egenera(8) man
-            page for more information." rha:sample=""/>
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-         <attribute name="pserver" rha:description="The pserver to operate on.  fence_egenera(8)" />
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-         <attribute name="lpan" rha:description="The lpan to operate on.  fence_egenera(8)" />
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-         <attribute name="action" rha:description="The action to perform (reboot, off, on, or status).  fence_egenera(8)" />
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-         <attribute name="esh" rha:description="Path to the esh command on the cserver.  fence_egenera(8)" />
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-         <attribute name="user" rha:description="See fence_egenera(8)" />
-        </optional>
-        <optional>
-         <attribute name="delay" rha:description="Wait this many seconds before fencing is started.  fence_egenera(8)" />
-        </optional>
-       </group>
-       <!-- FIXME: It appears that xCat is no longer supported. Found no
-       fence agents for x Cat in RHEL 5.3. -->
-       <!-- xCAT -->
-       <group rha:name="fence_xcat">
-        <attribute name="rpowerpath" rha:description="" rha:sample=""/>
-       </group>
-       <group rha:name="fence_na" rha:description="Node Assassin">
-         <optional>
-           <attribute name="option"/> <!-- deprecated; for compatibility.  use "action" -->
-         </optional>
-        <!-- I don't think I need this yet.
-         <optional>
-           <attribute name="auth" rha:description="Node Assassin Auth type (password or none)" />
-         </optional>
-        -->
-         <optional>
-           <attribute name="ipaddr" rha:description="Node Assassin IP or name to talk to" />
-         </optional>
-         <optional>
-           <attribute name="passwd" rha:description="Password needed to access the Node Assassin(s)" />
-         </optional>
-         <optional>
-           <attribute name="passwd_script" rha:description="Script to retrieve password (not implemented)" />
-         </optional>
-         <optional>
-           <attribute name="login" rha:description="Login name used to log into the Node Assassin(s)" />
-         </optional>
-         <optional>
-           <attribute name="action" rha:description="Operation to perform. Valid operations: on, off, reboot, status, list, release, boot or shutdown" />
-         </optional>
-         <optional>
-           <attribute name="quiet" rha:description="Supress output" />
-         </optional>
-       </group>
-       <!-- end non-generated device definitions -->
        <!-- begin auto-generated device definitions -->

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