gfs2-utils: master - gfs2_lockcapture: The script now returns a correct exit code when the script exits.

shane bradley sbradley at
Fri Jan 4 13:47:50 UTC 2013

Commit:        dc8cfec21502d89e2c1283d1bb72c4d14f58f6c9
Parent:        efd9859b14143d5c124bba686a6bc19983d29e42
Author:        Shane Bradley <sbradley at>
AuthorDate:    Thu Dec 20 10:31:00 2012 -0500
Committer:     Shane Bradley <sbradley at>
CommitterDate: Fri Jan 4 08:47:02 2013 -0500

gfs2_lockcapture: The script now returns a correct exit code when the script exits.

If there was files(not directories) created then the script will exit with 0,
else 1 since there was no lockdump files captured on any run of capturing the
data. Updated examples in man page. Change the default output path so that the
node name is not in the path. In addition I change how the clusternode name is

Signed-off-by: Shane Bradley <sbradley at>
 gfs2/scripts/gfs2_lockcapture |   49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gfs2/scripts/gfs2_lockcapture b/gfs2/scripts/gfs2_lockcapture
index 1a64188..2b3421c 100644
--- a/gfs2/scripts/gfs2_lockcapture
+++ b/gfs2/scripts/gfs2_lockcapture
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import tarfile
 sure only 1 instance of this script is running at any time.
 MAIN_LOGGER_NAME = "%s" %(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
 PATH_TO_PID_FILENAME = "/var/run/" %(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
@@ -570,11 +570,10 @@ def getClusterNode(listOfGFS2Names):
             stdout = runCommandOutput("corosync-quorumtool", ["-l"])
             if (not stdout == None):
                 for line in stdout.split("\n"):
-                    splitLine = line.split()
-                    if (len(splitLine) == 4):
-                        if (splitLine[0].strip().rstrip() == thisNodeID):
-                            clusternodeName = splitLine[3]
-                            break;
+                    if (line.find("local") >=0):
+                        splitLine = line.split(" (local)")
+                        clusternodeName = splitLine[0].split()[2]
+                        break;
     # If a clusternode name and cluster name was found then return a new object
     # since this means this cluster is part of cluster.
     if ((len(clusterName) > 0) and (len(clusternodeName) > 0)):
@@ -815,6 +814,10 @@ def gatherGFS2LockDumps(pathToDSTDir, listOfGFS2Filesystems):
     and filesystem name for each item in the list. For example:
+    @return: Returns True if files(not directories) were copied to the
+    destination directory.
+    @rtype: Boolean
     @param pathToDSTDir: This is the path to directory where the files will be
     copied to.
     @type pathToDSTDir: String
@@ -825,13 +828,19 @@ def gatherGFS2LockDumps(pathToDSTDir, listOfGFS2Filesystems):
     lockDumpType = "gfs2"
     pathToSrcDir = os.path.join(PATH_TO_DEBUG_DIR, lockDumpType)
     pathToOutputDir = os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, lockDumpType)
+    # The number of files that were copied
+    fileCopiedCount = 0
     for dirName in os.listdir(pathToSrcDir):
         pathToCurrentDir = os.path.join(pathToSrcDir, dirName)
         if ((os.path.isdir(pathToCurrentDir)) and (dirName in listOfGFS2Filesystems)):
             message = "Copying the lockdump data for the %s filesystem: %s" %(lockDumpType.upper(), dirName)
-            copyDirectory(pathToCurrentDir, pathToOutputDir)
+            copySuccessful = copyDirectory(pathToCurrentDir, pathToOutputDir)
+            if (copySuccessful and os.path.exists(os.path.join(pathToOutputDir, dirName))):
+                fileCopiedCount = len(os.listdir(os.path.join(pathToOutputDir, dirName)))
+    # If the number of files(not directories) copied was greater than zero then files were copied
+    # succesfully.
+    return (fileCopiedCount > 0)
 # ##############################################################################
 # Get user selected options
 # ##############################################################################
@@ -936,18 +945,18 @@ class OptionParserExtended(OptionParser):
         examplesMessage = "\n"
         examplesMessage = "\nPrints information about the available GFS2 filesystems that can have lockdump data captured."
-        examplesMessage += "\n$ %s -i\n" %(self.__commandName)
+        examplesMessage += "\n# %s -i\n" %(self.__commandName)
         examplesMessage += "\nIt will do 3 runs of gathering the lockdump information in 10 second intervals for only the"
         examplesMessage += "\nGFS2 filesystems with the names myGFS2vol2,myGFS2vol1. Then it will archive and compress"
         examplesMessage += "\nthe data collected. All of the lockdump data will be written to the directory: "
         examplesMessage += "\n/tmp/2012-11-12_095556-gfs2_lockcapture and all the questions will be answered with yes.\n"
-        examplesMessage += "\n$ %s -r 3 -s 10 -t -n myGFS2vol2,myGFS2vol1 -o /tmp/2012-11-12_095556-gfs2_lockcapture -y\n" %(self.__commandName)
+        examplesMessage += "\n# %s -r 3 -s 10 -t -n myGFS2vol2,myGFS2vol1 -o /tmp/2012-11-12_095556-gfs2_lockcapture -y\n" %(self.__commandName)
         examplesMessage += "\nIt will do 2 runs of gathering the lockdump information in 25 second intervals for all the"
         examplesMessage += "\nmounted GFS2 filesystems. Then it will archive and compress the data collected. All of the"
         examplesMessage += "\nlockdump data will be written to the directory: /tmp/2012-11-12_095556-gfs2_lockcapture.\n"
-        examplesMessage += "\n$ %s -r 2 -s 25 -t -o /tmp/2012-11-12_095556-gfs2_lockcapture\n" %(self.__commandName)
+        examplesMessage += "\n# %s -r 2 -s 25 -t -o /tmp/2012-11-12_095556-gfs2_lockcapture\n" %(self.__commandName)
         print examplesMessage
@@ -1001,7 +1010,8 @@ class ExtendOption (Option):
 # ###############################################################################
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    When the script is executed then this code is ran.
+    When the script is executed then this code is ran. If there was files(not
+    directories) created then 0 will be returned, else a 1 is returned.
         # #######################################################################
@@ -1106,7 +1116,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         # #######################################################################
         pathToOutputDir = cmdLineOpts.pathToOutputDir
         if (not len(pathToOutputDir) > 0):
-            pathToOutputDir = "%s" %(os.path.join("/tmp", "%s-%s-%s" %(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S"), clusternode.getClusterNodeName(), os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))))
+            pathToOutputDir = "%s" %(os.path.join("/tmp", "%s-%s" %(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S"), os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))))
         # #######################################################################
         # Backup any existing directory with same name as current output
         # directory.
@@ -1139,8 +1149,12 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         # Gather data and the lockdumps.
         # #######################################################################
         if (cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns <= 0):
-            message = "The number of runs should be greater than zero."
+            message = "The number of runs must be greater than zero."
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).warning(message)
+        # If GFS2 lockdump files were successfully copied to output directory
+        # then the exit code will be set to 0, else the exit code will be 1.
+        exitCode = 1
         for i in range(1,(cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns + 1)):
             # The current log count that will start at 1 and not zero to make it
             # make sense in logs.
@@ -1189,14 +1203,15 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             lockDumpType = "gfs2"
             message = "Pass (%d/%d): Gathering the %s lock dumps for the host." %(i, cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns, lockDumpType.upper())
-            gatherGFS2LockDumps(pathToOutputRunDir, clusternode.getMountedGFS2FilesystemNames())
+            if(gatherGFS2LockDumps(pathToOutputRunDir, clusternode.getMountedGFS2FilesystemNames())):
+                exitCode = 0
             # Gather log files
             message = "Pass (%d/%d): Gathering the log files for the host." %(i, cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns)
             gatherLogs(os.path.join(pathToOutputRunDir, "logs"))
             # Sleep between each run if secondsToSleep is greater than or equal
             # to 0 and current run is not the last run.
-            if ((cmdLineOpts.secondsToSleep >= 0) and (i <= (cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns))):
+            if ((cmdLineOpts.secondsToSleep >= 0) and (i < (cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns))):
                 message = "The script will sleep for %d seconds between each run of capturing the lockdump data." %(cmdLineOpts.secondsToSleep)
@@ -1228,4 +1243,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     # #######################################################################
     # Exit the application with zero exit code since we cleanly exited.
     # #######################################################################
-    exitScript()
+    exitScript(errorCode=exitCode)

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