gfs2-utils: master - gfs2-utils: Added a new script called gfs2_lockcapture that will capture lockdump data.

Andrew Price andyp at
Mon Nov 12 14:20:06 UTC 2012

Commit:        ee9967bac6295e0f23c980a321a30339ddf61be2
Parent:        64c034a88c2ad84aaef179d6b8de9941ceb49759
Author:        Shane Bradley <sbradley at>
AuthorDate:    Mon Nov 12 09:06:56 2012 -0500
Committer:     Andrew Price <anprice at>
CommitterDate: Mon Nov 12 14:10:42 2012 +0000

gfs2-utils: Added a new script called gfs2_lockcapture that will capture lockdump data.

The script gfs2_lockcapture will capture lockdump data(including dlm debug data)
for the mounted GFS2 filesystems on a cluster node. In addition to the debug
data, uname -a, hostname, date, mount, ps, etc are gathered. The script contains
many configurable optons which include the number of iterations, sleep time
between runs, etc.  The script is completed including docstrings. The Makefile
was also changed so that a similar script was removed called gfs2_lockgather and
was replaced with gfs2_lockcapture as the item that will be made.

Signed-off-by: Shane Bradley <sbradley at>
 gfs2/lockgather/      |    2 +-
 gfs2/lockgather/gfs2_lockcapture | 1078 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1079 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gfs2/lockgather/ b/gfs2/lockgather/
index fe8b480..b88580e 100644
--- a/gfs2/lockgather/
+++ b/gfs2/lockgather/
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ sbindir := $(shell rpl=0; test '$(exec_prefix):$(sbindir)' = /usr:/usr/sbin \
                                      test $$rpl = 1 && echo /sbin || echo '$(exec_prefix)/sbin')
-dist_sbin_SCRIPTS           = gfs2_lockgather
+dist_sbin_SCRIPTS           = gfs2_lockcapture
diff --git a/gfs2/lockgather/gfs2_lockcapture b/gfs2/lockgather/gfs2_lockcapture
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a930a2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfs2/lockgather/gfs2_lockcapture
@@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This script will gather GFS2 glocks and dlm lock dump information for a cluster
+node. The script can get all the mounted GFS2 filesystem data or set of selected
+GFS2 filesystems. The script will also gather some general information about the
+ at author    : Shane Bradley
+ at contact   : sbradley at
+ at version   : 0.9
+ at copyright : GPLv2
+import sys
+import os
+import os.path
+import logging
+from optparse import OptionParser, Option
+import time
+import platform
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import tarfile
+# #####################################################################
+# Global vars:
+# #####################################################################
+ at cvar VERSION_NUMBER: The version number of this script.
+ at type VERSION_NUMBER: String
+ at cvar MAIN_LOGGER_NAME: The name of the logger.
+ at type MAIN_LOGGER_NAME: String
+ at cvar PATH_TO_DEBUG_DIR: The path to the debug directory for the linux kernel.
+ at type PATH_TO_DEBUG_DIR: String
+ at cvar PATH_TO_PID_FILENAME: The path to the pid file that will be used to make
+sure only 1 instance of this script is running at any time.
+ at type PATH_TO_PID_FILENAME: String
+MAIN_LOGGER_NAME = "%s" %(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
+PATH_TO_PID_FILENAME = "/var/run/" %(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
+# #####################################################################
+# Class to define what a clusternode is.
+# #####################################################################
+class ClusterNode:
+    """
+    This class represents a cluster node that is a current memeber in a cluster.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, clusternodeName, clusterName, mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels):
+        """
+        @param clusternodeName: The name of the cluster node.
+        @type clusternodeName: String
+        @param clusterName: The name of the cluster that this cluster node is a
+        member of.
+        @type clusterName: String
+        @param mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels: A map of filesystem labels(key) for
+        a mounted filesystem. The value is the line for the matching mounted
+        filesystem from the mount -l command.
+        @type mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels: Dict
+        """
+        self.__clusternodeName = clusternodeName
+        self.__clusterName = clusterName
+        self.__mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels = mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels
+    def __str__(self):
+        """
+        This function will return a string representation of the object.
+        @return: Returns a string representation of the object.
+        @rtype: String
+        """
+        rString = ""
+        rString += "%s:%s" %(self.getClusterName(), self.getClusterNodeName())
+        fsLabels = self.__mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels.keys()
+        fsLabels.sort()
+        for fsLabel in fsLabels:
+            rString += "\n\t%s --> %s" %(fsLabel, self.__mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels.get(fsLabel))
+        return rString.rstrip()
+    def getClusterNodeName(self):
+        """
+        Returns the name of the cluster node.
+        @return: Returns the name of the cluster node.
+        @rtype: String
+        """
+        return self.__clusternodeName
+    def getClusterName(self):
+        """
+        Returns the name of cluster that this cluster node is a member of.
+        @return: Returns the name of cluster that this cluster node is a member
+        of.
+        @rtype: String
+        """
+        return self.__clusterName
+    def getMountedGFS2FilesystemNames(self, includeClusterName=True):
+        """
+        Returns the names of all the mounted GFS2 filesystems. By default
+        includeClusterName is True which will include the name of the cluster
+        and the GFS2 filesystem name(ex. f18cluster:mygfs2vol1) in the list of
+        mounted GFS2 filesystems. If includeClusterName is False it will only
+        return a list of all the mounted GFS2 filesystem names(ex. mygfs2vol1).
+        @return: Returns a list of all teh mounted GFS2 filesystem names.
+        @rtype: Array
+        @param includeClusterName: By default this option is True and will
+        include the name of the cluster and the GFS2 filesystem name. If False
+        then only the GFS2 filesystem name will be included.
+        @param includeClusterName: Boolean
+        """
+        # If true will prepend the cluster name to gfs2 fs name
+        if (includeClusterName):
+            return self.__mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels.keys()
+        else:
+            listOfGFS2MountedFilesystemLabels = []
+            for fsLabel in self.__mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels.keys():
+                fsLabelSplit = fsLabel.split(":", 1)
+                if (len(fsLabelSplit) == 2):
+                    listOfGFS2MountedFilesystemLabels.append(fsLabelSplit[1])
+            return listOfGFS2MountedFilesystemLabels
+# #####################################################################
+# Helper functions.
+# #####################################################################
+def runCommand(command, listOfCommandOptions, standardOut=subprocess.PIPE, standardError=subprocess.PIPE):
+    """
+    This function will execute a command. It will return True if the return code
+    was zero, otherwise False is returned.
+    @return: Returns True if the return code was zero, otherwise False is
+    returned.
+    @rtype: Boolean
+    @param command: The command that will be executed.
+    @type command: String
+    @param listOfCommandOptions: The list of options for the command that will
+    be executed.
+    @type listOfCommandOptions: Array
+    @param standardOut: The pipe that will be used to write standard output. By
+    default the pipe that is used is subprocess.PIPE.
+    @type standardOut: Pipe
+    @param standardError: The pipe that will be used to write standard error. By
+    default the pipe that is used is subprocess.PIPE.
+    @type standardError: Pipe
+    """
+    stdout = ""
+    stderr = ""
+    try:
+        commandList = [command]
+        commandList += listOfCommandOptions
+        task = subprocess.Popen(commandList, stdout=standardOut, stderr=standardError)
+        task.wait()
+        (stdout, stderr) = task.communicate()
+        return (task.returncode == 0)
+    except OSError:
+        commandOptionString = ""
+        for option in listOfCommandOptions:
+            commandOptionString += "%s " %(option)
+        message = "An error occurred running the command: $ %s %s\n" %(command, commandOptionString)
+        if (len(stdout) > 0):
+            message += stdout
+        message += "\n"
+        if (len(stderr) > 0):
+            message += stderr
+        logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+    return False
+def runCommandOutput(command, listOfCommandOptions, standardOut=subprocess.PIPE, standardError=subprocess.PIPE):
+    """
+    This function will execute a command. Returns the output that was written to standard output. None is
+    returned if there was an error.
+    @return: Returns the output that was written to standard output. None is
+    returned if there was an error.
+    @rtype: String
+    @param command: The command that will be executed.
+    @type command: String
+    @param listOfCommandOptions: The list of options for the command that will
+    be executed.
+    @type listOfCommandOptions: Array
+    @param standardOut: The pipe that will be used to write standard output. By
+    default the pipe that is used is subprocess.PIPE.
+    @type standardOut: Pipe
+    @param standardError: The pipe that will be used to write standard error. By
+    default the pipe that is used is subprocess.PIPE.
+    @type standardError: Pipe
+    """
+    stdout = ""
+    stderr = ""
+    try:
+        commandList = [command]
+        commandList += listOfCommandOptions
+        task = subprocess.Popen(commandList, stdout=standardOut, stderr=standardError)
+        task.wait()
+        (stdout, stderr) = task.communicate()
+    except OSError:
+        commandOptionString = ""
+        for option in listOfCommandOptions:
+            commandOptionString += "%s " %(option)
+        message = "An error occurred running the command: $ %s %s\n" %(command, commandOptionString)
+        if (len(stdout) > 0):
+            message += stdout
+        message += "\n"
+        if (len(stderr) > 0):
+            message += stderr
+        logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+        return None
+    return stdout.strip().rstrip()
+def writeToFile(pathToFilename, data, appendToFile=True, createFile=False):
+    """
+    This function will write a string to a file.
+    @return: Returns True if the string was successfully written to the file,
+    otherwise False is returned.
+    @rtype: Boolean
+    @param pathToFilename: The path to the file that will have a string written
+    to it.
+    @type pathToFilename: String
+    @param data: The string that will be written to the file.
+    @type data: String
+    @param appendToFile: If True then the data will be appened to the file, if
+    False then the data will overwrite the contents of the file.
+    @type appendToFile: Boolean
+    @param createFile: If True then the file will be created if it does not
+    exists, if False then file will not be created if it does not exist
+    resulting in no data being written to the file.
+    @type createFile: Boolean
+    """
+    [parentDir, filename] = os.path.split(pathToFilename)
+    if (os.path.isfile(pathToFilename) or (os.path.isdir(parentDir) and createFile)):
+        try:
+            filemode = "w"
+            if (appendToFile):
+                filemode = "a"
+            fout = open(pathToFilename, filemode)
+            fout.write(data + "\n")
+            fout.close()
+            return True
+        except UnicodeEncodeError, e:
+            message = "There was a unicode encode error writing to the file: %s." %(pathToFilename)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+            return False
+        except IOError:
+            message = "There was an error writing to the file: %s." %(pathToFilename)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+            return False
+    return False
+def mkdirs(pathToDSTDir):
+    """
+    This function will attempt to create a directory with the path of the value of pathToDSTDir.
+    @return: Returns True if the directory was created or already exists.
+    @rtype: Boolean
+    @param pathToDSTDir: The path to the directory that will be created.
+    @type pathToDSTDir: String
+    """
+    if (os.path.isdir(pathToDSTDir)):
+        return True
+    elif ((not os.access(pathToDSTDir, os.F_OK)) and (len(pathToDSTDir) > 0)):
+        try:
+            os.makedirs(pathToDSTDir)
+        except (OSError, os.error):
+            message = "Could not create the directory: %s." %(pathToDSTDir)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+            return False
+        except (IOError, os.error):
+            message = "Could not create the directory with the path: %s." %(pathToDSTDir)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+            return False
+    return os.path.isdir(pathToDSTDir)
+def removePIDFile():
+    """
+    This function will remove the pid file.
+    @return: Returns True if the file was successfully remove or does not exist,
+    otherwise False is returned.
+    @rtype: Boolean
+    """
+    message = "Removing the pid file: %s" %(PATH_TO_PID_FILENAME)
+    logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).debug(message)
+    if (os.path.exists(PATH_TO_PID_FILENAME)):
+        try:
+            os.remove(PATH_TO_PID_FILENAME)
+        except IOError:
+            message = "There was an error removing the file: %s." %(PATH_TO_PID_FILENAME)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+    return os.path.exists(PATH_TO_PID_FILENAME)
+def archiveData(pathToSrcDir):
+    """
+    This function will return the path to the tar.bz2 file that was created. If
+    the tar.bz2 file failed to be created then an empty string will be returned
+    which would indicate an error occurred.
+    @return: This function will return the path to the tar.bz2 file that was
+    created. If the tar.bz2 file failed to be created then an empty string will
+    be returned which would indicate an error occurred.
+    @rtype: String
+    @param pathToSrcDir: The path to the directory that will be archived into a
+    .tar.bz2 file.
+    @type pathToSrcDir: String
+    """
+    if (os.path.exists(pathToSrcDir)):
+        pathToTarFilename = "%s.tar.bz2" %(pathToSrcDir)
+        if (os.path.exists(pathToTarFilename)):
+            message = "A compressed archvied file already exists and will be removed: %s" %(pathToTarFilename)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).status(message)
+            try:
+                os.remove(PATH_TO_PID_FILENAME)
+            except IOError:
+                message = "There was an error removing the file: %s." %(pathToTarFilename)
+                logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+                return ""
+        message = "Creating a compressed archvied file: %s" %(pathToTarFilename)
+        logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).status(message)
+        try:
+            tar =, "w:bz2")
+            tar.add(pathToSrcDir, arcname=os.path.basename(pathToSrcDir))
+            tar.close()
+        except tarfile.TarError:
+            message = "There was an error creating the tarfile: %s." %(pathToTarFilename)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+            return ""
+        if (os.path.exists(pathToTarFilename)):
+            return pathToTarFilename
+    return ""
+def backupOutputDirectory(pathToOutputDir):
+    """
+    This function will return True if the pathToOutputDir does not exist or the
+    directory was successfully rename. If pathToOutputDir exists and was not
+    successfully rename then False is returned.
+    @return: Returns True if the pathToOutputDir does not exist or the directory
+    was successfully rename. If pathToOutputDir exists and was not successfully
+    rename then False is returned.
+    @rtype: Boolean
+    @param pathToOutputDir: The path to the directory that will be backed up.
+    @type pathToOutputDir: String
+    """
+    if (os.path.exists(pathToOutputDir)):
+        message = "The path already exists and could contain previous lockdump data: %s" %(pathToOutputDir)
+        logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).info(message)
+        backupIndex = 1
+        pathToDST = ""
+        keepSearchingForIndex = True
+        while (keepSearchingForIndex):
+            pathToDST = "%s.bk-%d" %(pathToOutputDir, backupIndex)
+            if (os.path.exists(pathToDST)):
+                backupIndex += 1
+            else:
+                keepSearchingForIndex = False
+        try:
+            message = "The existing output directory will be renamed: %s to %s." %(pathToOutputDir, pathToDST)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).status(message)
+            shutil.move(pathToOutputDir, pathToDST)
+        except shutil.Error:
+            message = "There was an error renaming the directory: %s to %s." %(pathToOutputDir, pathToDST)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+        except OSError:
+            message = "There was an error renaming the directory: %s to %s." %(pathToOutputDir, pathToDST)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+    # The path should not exists now, else there was an error backing up an
+    # existing output directory.
+    return (not os.path.exists(pathToOutputDir))
+def exitScript(removePidFile=True, errorCode=0):
+    """
+    This function will cause the script to exit or quit. It will return an error
+    code and will remove the pid file that was created.
+    @param removePidFile: If True(default) then the pid file will be remove
+    before the script exits.
+    @type removePidFile: Boolean
+    @param errorCode: The exit code that will be returned. The default value is 0.
+    @type errorCode: Int
+    """
+    if (removePidFile):
+        removePIDFile()
+    message = "The script will exit."
+    logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).info(message)
+    sys.exit(errorCode)
+# #####################################################################
+# Helper functions for gathering the lockdumps.
+# #####################################################################
+def getClusterNode(listOfGFS2Names):
+    """
+    This function return a ClusterNode object if the machine is a member of a
+    cluster and has GFS2 filesystems mounted for that cluster. The
+    listOfGFS2Names is a list of GFS2 filesystem that need to have their data
+    capture. If the list is empty then that means that all the mounted GFS2
+    filesystems will be captured, if list is not empty then only those GFS2
+    filesystems in the list will have their data captured.
+    @return: Returns a cluster node object if there was mounted GFS2 filesystems
+    found that will have their data captured.
+    @rtype: ClusterNode
+    @param listOfGFS2Names: A list of GFS2 filesystem names that will have their
+    data captured.  If the list is empty then that means that all the mounted
+    GFS2 filesystems will be captured, if list is not empty then only those GFS2
+    filesystems in the list will have their data captured.
+    @type listOfGFS2Names: Array
+    """
+    # Return a ClusterNode object if the clusternode and cluster name are found
+    # in the output, else return None.
+    clusterName = ""
+    clusternodeName = ""
+    if (runCommand("which", ["cman_tool"])):
+        stdout = runCommandOutput("cman_tool", ["status"])
+        if (not stdout == None):
+            stdoutSplit = stdout.split("\n")
+            clusterName = ""
+            clusternodeName = ""
+            for line in stdoutSplit:
+                if (line.startswith("Cluster Name:")):
+                    clusterName = line.split("Cluster Name:")[1].strip().rstrip()
+                if (line.startswith("Node name: ")):
+                    clusternodeName = line.split("Node name:")[1].strip().rstrip()
+    elif (runCommand("which", ["corosync-cmapctl"])):
+        # Another way to get the local cluster node is: $ crm_node -i; crm_node -l
+        # Get the name of the cluster.
+        stdout = runCommandOutput("corosync-cmapctl", ["-g", "totem.cluster_name"])
+        if (not stdout == None):
+            stdoutSplit = stdout.split("=")
+            if (len(stdoutSplit) == 2):
+                clusterName = stdoutSplit[1].strip().rstrip()
+        # Get the id of the local cluster node so we can get the clusternode name
+        thisNodeID = ""
+        stdout = runCommandOutput("corosync-cmapctl", ["-g", "runtime.votequorum.this_node_id"])
+        if (not stdout == None):
+            stdoutSplit = stdout.split("=")
+            if (len(stdoutSplit) == 2):
+               thisNodeID = stdoutSplit[1].strip().rstrip()
+        # Now that we the nodeid then we can get the clusternode name.
+        if (len(thisNodeID) > 0):
+            stdout = runCommandOutput("corosync-quorumtool", ["-l"])
+            if (not stdout == None):
+                for line in stdout.split("\n"):
+                    splitLine = line.split()
+                    if (len(splitLine) == 4):
+                        if (splitLine[0].strip().rstrip() == thisNodeID):
+                            clusternodeName = splitLine[3]
+                            break;
+    # If a clusternode name and cluster name was found then return a new object
+    # since this means this cluster is part of cluster.
+    if ((len(clusterName) > 0) and (len(clusternodeName) > 0)):
+        mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels = getLabelMapForMountedFilesystems(clusterName, getMountedGFS2Filesystems())
+        # These will be the GFS2 filesystems that will have their lockdump information gathered.
+        if (len(listOfGFS2Names) > 0):
+            for label in mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels.keys():
+                foundMatch = False
+                for name in listOfGFS2Names:
+                    if ((name == label) or ("%s:%s"%(clusterName, name) == label)):
+                        foundMatch = True
+                        break
+                if ((not foundMatch) and (mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels.has_key(label))):
+                    del(mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels[label])
+        return ClusterNode(clusternodeName, clusterName, mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels)
+    else:
+        return None
+def getMountedGFS2Filesystems():
+    """
+    This function returns a list of all the mounted GFS2 filesystems.
+    @return: Returns a list of all the mounted GFS2 filesystems.
+    @rtype: Array
+    """
+    fsType = "gfs2"
+    listOfMountedFilesystems = []
+    stdout = runCommandOutput("mount", ["-l"])
+    if (not stdout == None):
+        stdoutSplit = stdout.split("\n")
+        for line in stdoutSplit:
+            splitLine = line.split()
+            if (len(splitLine) >= 5):
+                if (splitLine[4] == fsType):
+                    listOfMountedFilesystems.append(line)
+    return listOfMountedFilesystems
+def getLabelMapForMountedFilesystems(clusterName, listOfMountedFilesystems):
+    """
+    This function will return a dictionary of the mounted GFS2 filesystem that
+    contain a label that starts with the cluster name. For example:
+    {'f18cluster:mygfs2vol1': '/dev/vdb1 on /mnt/gfs2vol1 type gfs2 (rw,relatime) [f18cluster:mygfs2vol1]'}
+    @return: Returns a dictionary of the mounted GFS2 filesystems that contain a
+    label that starts with the cluster name.
+    @rtype: Dict
+    @param clusterName: The name of the cluster.
+    @type clusterName: String
+    @param listOfMountedFilesystems: A list of all the mounted GFS2 filesystems.
+    @type listOfMountedFilesystems: Array
+    """
+    mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels = {}
+    for mountedFilesystem in listOfMountedFilesystems:
+        splitMountedFilesystem = mountedFilesystem.split()
+        fsLabel = splitMountedFilesystem[-1].strip().strip("[").rstrip("]")
+        if (len(fsLabel) > 0):
+            # Verify it starts with name of the cluster.
+            if (fsLabel.startswith("%s:" %(clusterName))):
+                mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels[fsLabel] = mountedFilesystem
+    return mapOfMountedFilesystemLabels
+def verifyDebugFilesystemMounted(enableMounting=True):
+    """
+    This function verifies that the debug filesystem is mounted. If the debug
+    filesystem is mounted then True is returned, otherwise False is returned.
+    @return: If the debug filesystem is mounted then True is returned, otherwise
+    False is returned.
+    @rtype: Boolean
+    @param enableMounting: If True then the debug filesystem will be mounted if
+    it is currently not mounted.
+    @type enableMounting: Boolean
+    """
+    if (os.path.ismount(PATH_TO_DEBUG_DIR)):
+        message = "The debug filesystem %s is mounted." %(PATH_TO_DEBUG_DIR)
+        logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).info(message)
+        return True
+    else:
+        message = "The debug filesystem %s is not mounted." %(PATH_TO_DEBUG_DIR)
+        logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).warning(message)
+        if (cmdLineOpts.enableMountDebugFS):
+            if(mountFilesystem("debugfs", "none", PATH_TO_DEBUG_DIR)):
+                message = "The debug filesystem was mounted: %s." %(PATH_TO_DEBUG_DIR)
+                logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).info(message)
+                return True
+    return False
+def mountFilesystem(filesystemType, pathToDevice, pathToMountPoint):
+    """
+    This function will attempt to mount a filesystem. If the filesystem is
+    already mounted or the filesystem was successfully mounted then True is
+    returned, otherwise False is returned.
+    @return: If the filesystem is already mounted or the filesystem was
+    successfully mounted then True is returned, otherwise False is returned.
+    @rtype: Boolean
+    @param filesystemType: The type of filesystem that will be mounted.
+    @type filesystemType: String
+    @param pathToDevice: The path to the device that will be mounted.
+    @type pathToDevice: String
+    @param pathToMountPoint: The path to the directory that will be used as the
+    mount point for the device.
+    @type pathToMountPoint: String
+    """
+    if (os.path.ismount(PATH_TO_DEBUG_DIR)):
+        return True
+    listOfCommandOptions = ["-t", filesystemType, pathToDevice, pathToMountPoint]
+    if (not runCommand("mount", listOfCommandOptions)):
+        message = "There was an error mounting the filesystem type %s for the device %s to the mount point %s." %(filesystemType, pathToDevice, pathToMountPoint)
+        logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+    return  os.path.ismount(PATH_TO_DEBUG_DIR)
+def gatherGeneralInformation(pathToDSTDir):
+    """
+    This function will gather general information about the cluster and write
+    the results to a file. The following data will be captured: hostname, date,
+    uname -a, uptime, contents of /proc/mounts, and ps h -AL -o tid,s,cmd.
+    @param pathToDSTDir: This is the path to directory where the files will be
+    written to.
+    @type pathToDSTDir: String
+    """
+    # Gather some general information and write to system.txt.
+    systemString = "HOSTNAME: %s\nDATE: %s\n" %(platform.node(), time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"))
+    stdout = runCommandOutput("uname", ["-a"])
+    if (not stdout == None):
+        systemString += "UNAME-A: %s\n" %(stdout)
+    stdout = runCommandOutput("uptime", [])
+    if (not stdout == None):
+        systemString += "UPTIME: %s\n" %(stdout)
+    writeToFile(os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, "system.txt"), systemString, createFile=True)
+    # Get "mount -l" filesystem data.
+    command = "cat"
+    pathToCommandOutput = os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, "cat-proc_mounts.txt")
+    try:
+        fout = open(pathToCommandOutput, "w")
+        runCommand(command, ["/proc/mounts"], standardOut=fout)
+        fout.close()
+    except IOError:
+        message = "There was an error the command output for %s to the file %s." %(command, pathToCommandOutput)
+        logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+    # Get "ps -eo user,pid,%cpu,%mem,vsz,rss,tty,stat,start,time,comm,wchan" data.
+    command = "ps"
+    pathToCommandOutput = os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, "ps.txt")
+    try:
+        fout = open(pathToCommandOutput, "w")
+        #runCommand(command, ["-eo", "user,pid,%cpu,%mem,vsz,rss,tty,stat,start,time,comm,wchan"], standardOut=fout)
+        runCommand(command, ["h", "-AL", "-o", "tid,s,cmd"], standardOut=fout)
+        fout.close()
+    except IOError:
+        message = "There was an error the command output for %s to the file %s." %(command, pathToCommandOutput)
+        logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+def triggerSysRQEvents():
+    """
+    This command will trigger sysrq events which will write the output to
+    /var/log/messages. The events that will be trigger are "m" and "t". The "m"
+    event will dump information about memory allocation. The "t" event will dump
+    all the threads state information.
+    """
+    command = "echo"
+    pathToSysrqTriggerFile = "/proc/sysrq-trigger"
+    # m - dump information about memory allocation
+    # t - dump thread state information
+    triggers = ["m", "t"]
+    for trigger in triggers:
+        try:
+            fout = open(pathToSysrqTriggerFile, "w")
+            runCommand(command, [trigger], standardOut=fout)
+            fout.close()
+        except IOError:
+            message = "There was an error the command output for %s to the file %s." %(command, pathToSysrqTriggerFile)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+def gatherLogs(pathToDSTDir):
+    """
+    This function will copy all the cluster logs(/var/log/cluster) and the
+    system log(/var/log/messages) to the directory given by pathToDSTDir.
+    @param pathToDSTDir: This is the path to directory where the files will be
+    copied to.
+    @type pathToDSTDir: String
+    """
+    if (mkdirs(pathToDSTDir)):
+        # Copy messages logs that contain the sysrq data.
+        pathToLogFile = "/var/log/messages"
+        pathToDSTLogFile = os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, os.path.basename(pathToLogFile))
+        try:
+            shutil.copyfile(pathToLogFile, pathToDSTLogFile)
+        except shutil.Error:
+            message = "There was an error copying the file: %s to %s." %(pathToLogFile, pathToDSTLogFile)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+        pathToLogDir = "/var/log/cluster"
+        pathToDSTLogDir = os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, os.path.basename(pathToLogDir))
+        if (os.path.isdir(pathToLogDir)):
+            try:
+                shutil.copytree(pathToLogDir, pathToDSTLogDir)
+            except shutil.Error:
+                message = "There was an error copying the directory: %s to %s." %(pathToLogDir, pathToDSTLogDir)
+                logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+def gatherDLMLockDumps(pathToDSTDir, listOfGFS2Filesystems):
+    """
+    This function copies the debug files for dlm for a GFS2 filesystem in the
+    list to a directory. The list of GFS2 filesystems will only include the
+    filesystem name for each item in the list. For example: "mygfs2vol1"
+    @param pathToDSTDir: This is the path to directory where the files will be
+    copied to.
+    @type pathToDSTDir: String
+    @param listOfGFS2Filesystems: This is the list of the GFS2 filesystems that
+    will have their debug directory copied.
+    @type listOfGFS2Filesystems: Array
+    """
+    lockDumpType = "dlm"
+    pathToSrcDir = os.path.join(PATH_TO_DEBUG_DIR, lockDumpType)
+    pathToOutputDir = os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, lockDumpType)
+    message = "Copying the files in the %s lockdump data directory %s for the selected GFS2 filesystem with dlm debug files." %(lockDumpType.upper(), pathToSrcDir)
+    logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).status(message)
+    for filename in os.listdir(pathToSrcDir):
+        for name in listOfGFS2Filesystems:
+            if (filename.startswith(name)):
+                pathToCurrentFilename = os.path.join(pathToSrcDir, filename)
+                pathToDSTDir = os.path.join(pathToOutputDir, name)
+                mkdirs(pathToDSTDir)
+                pathToDSTFilename = os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, filename)
+                try:
+                    shutil.copy(pathToCurrentFilename, pathToDSTFilename)
+                except shutil.Error:
+                    message = "There was an error copying the file: %s to %s." %(pathToCurrentFilename, pathToDSTFilename)
+                    logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+                except OSError:
+                    message = "There was an error copying the file: %s to %s." %(pathToCurrentFilename, pathToDSTFilename)
+                    logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+def gatherGFS2LockDumps(pathToDSTDir, listOfGFS2Filesystems):
+    """
+    This function copies the debug directory for a GFS2 filesystems in the list
+    to a directory. The list of GFS2 filesystems will include the cluster name
+    and filesystem name for each item in the list. For example:
+    "f18cluster:mygfs2vol1"
+    @param pathToDSTDir: This is the path to directory where the files will be
+    copied to.
+    @type pathToDSTDir: String
+    @param listOfGFS2Filesystems: This is the list of the GFS2 filesystems that
+    will have their debug directory copied.
+    @type listOfGFS2Filesystems: Array
+    """
+    lockDumpType = "gfs2"
+    pathToSrcDir = os.path.join(PATH_TO_DEBUG_DIR, lockDumpType)
+    pathToOutputDir = os.path.join(pathToDSTDir, lockDumpType)
+    for dirName in os.listdir(pathToSrcDir):
+        pathToCurrentDir = os.path.join(pathToSrcDir, dirName)
+        if ((os.path.isdir(pathToCurrentDir)) and (dirName in listOfGFS2Filesystems)):
+            mkdirs(pathToOutputDir)
+            pathToDSTDir = os.path.join(pathToOutputDir, dirName)
+            try:
+                message = "Copying the lockdump data for the %s filesystem: %s" %(lockDumpType.upper(), dirName)
+                logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).status(message)
+                shutil.copytree(pathToCurrentDir, pathToDSTDir)
+            except shutil.Error:
+                message = "There was an error copying the directory: %s to %s." %(pathToCurrentDir, pathToDSTDir)
+                logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+            except OSError:
+                message = "There was an error copying the directory: %s to %s." %(pathToCurrentDir, pathToDSTDir)
+                logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+# ##############################################################################
+# Get user selected options
+# ##############################################################################
+def __getOptions(version) :
+    """
+    This function creates the OptionParser and returns commandline
+    a tuple of the selected commandline options and commandline args.
+    The cmdlineOpts which is the options user selected and cmdLineArgs
+    is value passed and  not associated with an option.
+    @return: A tuple of the selected commandline options and commandline args.
+    @rtype: Tuple
+    @param version: The version of the this script.
+    @type version: String
+    """
+    cmdParser = OptionParserExtended(version)
+    cmdParser.add_option("-d", "--debug",
+                         action="store_true",
+                         dest="enableDebugLogging",
+                         help="Enables debug logging.",
+                         default=False)
+    cmdParser.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
+                         action="store_true",
+                         dest="disableLoggingToConsole",
+                         help="Disables logging to console.",
+                         default=False)
+    cmdParser.add_option("-i", "--info",
+                         action="store_true",
+                         dest="enablePrintInfo",
+                         help="Prints to console some basic information about the GFS2 filesystems mounted on the cluster node.",
+                         default=False)
+    cmdParser.add_option("-M", "--mount_debug_fs",
+                         action="store_true",
+                         dest="enableMountDebugFS",
+                         help="Enables the mounting of the debug filesystem if it is not mounted. Default is disabled.",
+                         default=False)
+    cmdParser.add_option("-o", "--path_to_output_dir",
+                         action="store",
+                         dest="pathToOutputDir",
+                         help="The path to the output directory where all the collect data will be stored. Default is /tmp/<date>-<hostname>-%s" %(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])),
+                         type="string",
+                         default="")
+    cmdParser.add_option("-r", "--num_of_runs",
+                         action="store",
+                         dest="numberOfRuns",
+                         help="The number of lockdumps runs to do. Default is 2.",
+                         type="int",
+                         default=2)
+    cmdParser.add_option("-s", "--seconds_sleep",
+                         action="store",
+                         dest="secondsToSleep",
+                         help="The number of seconds sleep between runs. Default is 120 seconds.",
+                         type="int",
+                         default=120)
+    cmdParser.add_option("-t", "--archive",
+                         action="store_true",
+                         dest="enableArchiveOutputDir",
+                         help="Enables archiving and compressing of the output directory with tar and bzip2. Default is disabled.",
+                         default=False)
+    cmdParser.add_option("-n", "--fs_name",
+                         action="extend",
+                         dest="listOfGFS2Names",
+                         help="List of GFS2 filesystems that will have their lockdump data gathered.",
+                         type="string",
+                         default=[])    # Get the options and return the result.
+    (cmdLineOpts, cmdLineArgs) = cmdParser.parse_args()
+    return (cmdLineOpts, cmdLineArgs)
+# ##############################################################################
+# OptParse classes for commandline options
+# ##############################################################################
+class OptionParserExtended(OptionParser):
+    """
+    This is the class that gets the command line options the end user
+    selects.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, version) :
+        """
+        @param version: The version of the this script.
+        @type version: String
+        """
+        self.__commandName = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+        versionMessage = "%s %s\n" %(self.__commandName, version)
+        commandDescription  ="%s will capture information about lockdata data for GFS2 and DLM required to analyze a GFS2 filesystem.\n"%(self.__commandName)
+        OptionParser.__init__(self, option_class=ExtendOption,
+                              version=versionMessage,
+                              description=commandDescription)
+    def print_help(self):
+        """
+        Print examples at the bottom of the help message.
+        """
+        self.print_version()
+        examplesMessage = "\n"
+        examplesMessage = "\nPrints information about the available GFS2 filesystems that can have lockdump data captured."
+        examplesMessage += "\n$ %s -i\n" %(self.__commandName)
+        examplesMessage += "\nThis command will mount the debug directory if it is not mounted. It will do 3 runs of\n"
+        examplesMessage += "gathering the lockdump information in 10 second intervals for only the GFS2 filesystems\n"
+        examplesMessage += "with the names myGFS2vol2,myGFS2vol1. Then it will archive and compress the data collected."
+        examplesMessage += "\n$ %s -M -r 3 -s 10 -t -n myGFS2vol2,myGFS2vol1\n" %(self.__commandName)
+        OptionParser.print_help(self)
+        print examplesMessage
+class ExtendOption (Option):
+    """
+    Allow to specify comma delimited list of entries for arrays
+    and dictionaries.
+    """
+    ACTIONS = Option.ACTIONS + ("extend",)
+    STORE_ACTIONS = Option.STORE_ACTIONS + ("extend",)
+    TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",)
+    def take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser):
+        """
+        This function is a wrapper to take certain options passed on command
+        prompt and wrap them into an Array.
+        @param action: The type of action that will be taken. For example:
+        "store_true", "store_false", "extend".
+        @type action: String
+        @param dest: The name of the variable that will be used to store the
+        option.
+        @type dest: String/Boolean/Array
+        @param opt: The option string that triggered the action.
+        @type opt: String
+        @param value: The value of opt(option) if it takes a
+        value, if not then None.
+        @type value:
+        @param values: All the opt(options) in a dictionary.
+        @type values: Dictionary
+        @param parser: The option parser that was orginally called.
+        @type parser: OptionParser
+        """
+        if (action == "extend") :
+            valueList=[]
+            try:
+                for v in value.split(","):
+                    # Need to add code for dealing with paths if there is option for paths.
+                    valueList.append(v)
+            except:
+                pass
+            else:
+                values.ensure_value(dest, []).extend(valueList)
+        else:
+            Option.take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser)
+# ###############################################################################
+# Main Function
+# ###############################################################################
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    """
+    When the script is executed then this code is ran.
+    """
+    try:
+        # #######################################################################
+        # Get the options from the commandline.
+        # #######################################################################
+        (cmdLineOpts, cmdLineArgs) = __getOptions(VERSION_NUMBER)
+        # #######################################################################
+        # Setup the logger and create config directory
+        # #######################################################################
+        # Create the logger
+        logLevel = logging.INFO
+        logger = logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME)
+        logger.setLevel(logLevel)
+        # Create a new status function and level.
+        logging.STATUS = logging.INFO + 2
+        logging.addLevelName(logging.STATUS, "STATUS")
+        # Create a function for the STATUS_LEVEL since not defined by python. This
+        # means you can call it like the other predefined message
+        # functions. Example: logging.getLogger("loggerName").status(message)
+        setattr(logger, "status", lambda *args: logger.log(logging.STATUS, *args))
+        streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler()
+        streamHandler.setLevel(logLevel)
+        streamHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s %(message)s"))
+        logger.addHandler(streamHandler)
+        # Set the handler for writing to log file.
+        pathToLogFile = "/tmp/%s.log" %(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME)
+        if (((os.access(pathToLogFile, os.W_OK) and os.access("/tmp", os.R_OK))) or (not os.path.exists(pathToLogFile))):
+            fileHandler = logging.FileHandler(pathToLogFile)
+            fileHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
+            logger.addHandler(fileHandler)
+            message = "A log file will be created or appened to: %s" %(pathToLogFile)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).info(message)
+        else:
+            message = "There was permission problem accessing the write attributes for the log file: %s." %(pathToLogFile)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+        # #######################################################################
+        # Set the logging levels.
+        # #######################################################################
+        if ((cmdLineOpts.enableDebugLogging) and (not cmdLineOpts.disableLoggingToConsole)):
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+            streamHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+            message = "Debugging has been enabled."
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).debug(message)
+        if (cmdLineOpts.disableLoggingToConsole):
+            logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL)
+        # #######################################################################
+        # Check to see if pid file exists and error if it does.
+        # #######################################################################
+        if (os.path.exists(PATH_TO_PID_FILENAME)):
+            message = "The PID file %s already exists and this script cannot run till it does not exist." %(PATH_TO_PID_FILENAME)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+            message = "Verify that there are no other existing processes running. If there are running processes those need to be stopped first and the file removed."
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).info(message)
+            exitScript(removePidFile=False, errorCode=1)
+        else:
+            message = "Creating the pid file: %s" %(PATH_TO_PID_FILENAME)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).debug(message)
+            # Creata the pid file so we dont have more than 1 process of this
+            # script running.
+            writeToFile(PATH_TO_PID_FILENAME, str(os.getpid()), createFile=True)
+        # #######################################################################
+        # Get the clusternode name and verify that mounted GFS2 filesystems were
+        # found.
+        # #######################################################################
+        clusternode = getClusterNode(cmdLineOpts.listOfGFS2Names)
+        if (clusternode == None):
+            message = "The cluster or cluster node name could not be found."
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+            exitScript(removePidFile=True, errorCode=1)
+        elif (not len(clusternode.getMountedGFS2FilesystemNames()) > 0):
+            message = "There were no mounted GFS2 filesystems found."
+            if (len(cmdLineOpts.listOfGFS2Names) > 0):
+                message = "There were no mounted GFS2 filesystems found with the name:"
+                for name in cmdLineOpts.listOfGFS2Names:
+                    message += " %s" %(name)
+                message += "."
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+            exitScript(removePidFile=True, errorCode=1)
+        if (cmdLineOpts.enablePrintInfo):
+            logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL)
+            print "List of all the mounted GFS2 filesystems that can have their lockdump data captured:"
+            print clusternode
+            exitScript()
+        # #######################################################################
+        # Create the output directory to verify it can be created before
+        # proceeding unless it is already created from a previous run data needs
+        # to be analyzed. Probably could add more debugging on if file or dir.
+        # #######################################################################
+        message = "The gathering of the lockdumps will be performed on the clusternode \"%s\" which is part of the cluster \"%s\"." %(clusternode.getClusterNodeName(), clusternode.getClusterName())
+        logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).info(message)
+        pathToOutputDir = cmdLineOpts.pathToOutputDir
+        if (not len(pathToOutputDir) > 0):
+            pathToOutputDir = "%s" %(os.path.join("/tmp", "%s-%s-%s" %(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S"), clusternode.getClusterNodeName(), os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))))
+        # #######################################################################
+        # Backup any existing directory with same name as current output
+        # directory.
+        # #######################################################################
+        if (backupOutputDirectory(pathToOutputDir)):
+            message = "This directory that will be used to capture all the data: %s" %(pathToOutputDir)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).info(message)
+            if (not mkdirs(pathToOutputDir)):
+                exitScript(errorCode=1)
+        else:
+            # There was an existing directory with same path as current output
+            # directory and it failed to back it up.
+            message = "Please change the output directory path (-o) or manual rename or remove the existing path: %s" %(pathToOutputDir)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).info(message)
+            exitScript(errorCode=1)
+        # #######################################################################
+        # Check to see if the debug directory is mounted. If not then
+        # log an error.
+        # #######################################################################
+        result = verifyDebugFilesystemMounted(cmdLineOpts.enableMountDebugFS)
+        if (not result):
+            message = "Please mount the debug filesystem before running this script. For example: $ mount none -t debugfs %s" %(PATH_TO_DEBUG_DIR)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).info(message)
+            exitScript(errorCode=1)
+        # #######################################################################
+        # Gather data and the lockdumps.
+        # #######################################################################
+        message = "The process of gathering all the required files will begin before capturing the lockdumps."
+        logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).info(message)
+        for i in range(0,cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns):
+            # The current log count that will start at 1 and not zero to make it
+            # make sense in logs.
+            currentLogRunCount = (i + 1)
+            # Add clusternode name under each run dir to make combining multple
+            # clusternode gfs2_lockgather data together and all data in each run directory.
+            pathToOutputRunDir = os.path.join(pathToOutputDir, "run%d/%s" %(i, clusternode.getClusterNodeName()))
+            if (not mkdirs(pathToOutputRunDir)):
+                exitScript(errorCode=1)
+            # Gather various bits of data from the clusternode.
+            message = "Gathering some general information about the clusternode %s for run %d/%d." %(clusternode.getClusterNodeName(), currentLogRunCount, cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).status(message)
+            gatherGeneralInformation(pathToOutputRunDir)
+            # Trigger sysrq events to capture memory and thread information
+            message = "Triggering the sysrq events for the clusternode %s for run %d/%d." %(clusternode.getClusterNodeName(), currentLogRunCount, cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).status(message)
+            triggerSysRQEvents()
+            # Gather the dlm locks.
+            lockDumpType = "dlm"
+            message = "Gathering the %s lock dumps for clusternode %s for run %d/%d." %(lockDumpType.upper(), clusternode.getClusterNodeName(), currentLogRunCount, cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).status(message)
+            gatherDLMLockDumps(pathToOutputRunDir, clusternode.getMountedGFS2FilesystemNames(includeClusterName=False))
+            # Gather the glock locks from gfs2.
+            lockDumpType = "gfs2"
+            message = "Gathering the %s lock dumps for clusternode %s for run %d/%d." %(lockDumpType.upper(), clusternode.getClusterNodeName(), currentLogRunCount, cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).status(message)
+            gatherGFS2LockDumps(pathToOutputRunDir, clusternode.getMountedGFS2FilesystemNames())
+            # Gather log files
+            message = "Gathering the log files for the clusternode %s for run %d/%d." %(clusternode.getClusterNodeName(), currentLogRunCount, cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns)
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).status(message)
+            gatherLogs(os.path.join(pathToOutputRunDir, "logs"))
+            # Sleep between each run if secondsToSleep is greater than or equal
+            # to 0 and current run is not the last run.
+            if ((cmdLineOpts.secondsToSleep >= 0) and (i < (cmdLineOpts.numberOfRuns - 1))):
+                message = "The script will sleep for %d seconds between each run of capturing the lockdumps." %(cmdLineOpts.secondsToSleep)
+                logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).info(message)
+                message = "The script is sleeping before beginning the next run."
+                logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).status(message)
+                time.sleep(cmdLineOpts.secondsToSleep)
+        # #######################################################################
+        # Archive the directory that contains all the data and archive it after
+        # all the information has been gathered.
+        # #######################################################################
+        message = "All the files have been gathered and this directory contains all the captured data: %s" %(pathToOutputDir)
+        logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).info(message)
+        if (cmdLineOpts.enableArchiveOutputDir):
+            message = "The lockdump data will now be archived. This could some time depending on the size of the data collected."
+            logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).info(message)
+            pathToTarFilename = archiveData(pathToOutputDir)
+            if (os.path.exists(pathToTarFilename)):
+                message = "The compressed archvied file was created: %s" %(pathToTarFilename)
+                logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).info(message)
+            else:
+                message = "The compressed archvied failed to be created: %s" %(pathToTarFilename)
+                logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+        # #######################################################################
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        print ""
+        message =  "This script will exit since control-c was executed by end user."
+        logging.getLogger(MAIN_LOGGER_NAME).error(message)
+        exitScript(errorCode=1)
+    # #######################################################################
+    # Exit the application with zero exit code since we cleanly exited.
+    # #######################################################################
+    exitScript()

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