cluster: RHEL6 - dlm_controld: fix plock dev_write no op

David Teigland teigland at
Fri Aug 19 15:43:42 UTC 2011

Commit:        95d90a01d89a610074a4817f1f2cbe67419a7654
Parent:        db4e72fc23571c63de3e2475d6380990525fcce9
Author:        David Teigland <teigland at>
AuthorDate:    Thu Aug 18 14:18:04 2011 -0500
Committer:     David Teigland <teigland at>
CommitterDate: Thu Aug 18 14:18:04 2011 -0500

dlm_controld: fix plock dev_write no op

When a plock unlock is received due to the file
being closed (the CLOSE flag is set), we should
not write an unlock result back to the kernel.
If we do, the kernel, which does not expect a
reply, will report the error "dev_write no op".

In cases where dlm_controld encounters and error
handling the unlock operation, it was writing
the error result back to the kernel, even though
the unlock was flagged with CLOSE.  The fix is
to check for the CLOSE flag and skip writing
the error result, as we do with normal results.

This problem is especially visible when using
flocks (not plocks).  This is because the kernel
generates extraneous plock unlock requests
when files are closed with flocks.  Because
dlm_controld finds no plocks on the files,
it replies to the kernel with an error, rather
than skipping the reply to do CLOSE.

bz 731775

Signed-off-by: David Teigland <teigland at>
 group/dlm_controld/plock.c |    6 ++++--
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/group/dlm_controld/plock.c b/group/dlm_controld/plock.c
index 6d5dea8..556993b 100644
--- a/group/dlm_controld/plock.c
+++ b/group/dlm_controld/plock.c
@@ -1583,8 +1583,10 @@ void process_plocks(int ci)
-	info.rv = rv;
-	rv = write(plock_device_fd, &info, sizeof(info));
+	if (!(info.flags & DLM_PLOCK_FL_CLOSE)) {
+		info.rv = rv;
+		rv = write(plock_device_fd, &info, sizeof(info));
+	}
 void process_saved_plocks(struct lockspace *ls)

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