cluster: STABLE31 - rgmanager: re-add slang scripts where they belong

Fabio M. Di Nitto fabbione at
Tue Apr 5 08:36:13 UTC 2011

Commit:        62cc660f462f8672fe75ebc8e53b184075ff3d5b
Parent:        d8a4abe7ff8ff0954fb58fed9b384b087e81b1d0
Author:        Fabio M. Di Nitto <fdinitto at>
AuthorDate:    Tue Apr 5 10:35:48 2011 +0200
Committer:     Fabio M. Di Nitto <fdinitto at>
CommitterDate: Tue Apr 5 10:35:48 2011 +0200

rgmanager: re-add slang scripts where they belong

Signed-off-by: Fabio M. Di Nitto <fdinitto at>
 rgmanager/src/Makefile                          |    2 +-
 rgmanager/src/resources/Makefile                |   12 +
 rgmanager/src/resources/ |  637 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 rgmanager/src/resources/       |  151 ++++++
 4 files changed, 801 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rgmanager/src/Makefile b/rgmanager/src/Makefile
index f5b9d03..c79d053 100644
--- a/rgmanager/src/Makefile
+++ b/rgmanager/src/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 include ../../make/
 include $(OBJDIR)/make/
-SUBDIRS= clulib daemons utils
+SUBDIRS=resources clulib daemons utils
diff --git a/rgmanager/src/resources/Makefile b/rgmanager/src/resources/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00b2bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rgmanager/src/resources/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+include ../../../make/
+include $(OBJDIR)/make/
+include $(OBJDIR)/make/
+include $(OBJDIR)/make/
+clean: generalclean
diff --git a/rgmanager/src/resources/ b/rgmanager/src/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87c8a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rgmanager/src/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Sistina Software, Inc.  All rights reserved.
+% Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+% of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+define node_in_set(node_list, node)
+	variable x, len;
+	len = length(node_list);
+	for (x = 0; x < len; x++) {
+		if (node_list[x] == node)
+			return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+% Returns 3 node lists:
+% (1) Nodes with no services
+% (2) Nodes with non-exclusive services
+% (3) Nodes with exclusive services
+% NOTE: This function currently defenstrates failover domain rules
+define separate_nodes(node_list)
+	variable services = service_list();
+	variable nodes_empty, nodes_services, nodes_excl;
+	variable x, len;
+	variable owner, state, excl, ns = 0, nx = 0;
+	nodes_empty = node_list;
+	% Most Awesome Initializer EVER!!!
+	nodes_services = subtract([0], 0);
+	nodes_excl = subtract([0], 0);
+	len = length(services);
+	for (x = 0; x < len; x++) {
+		(,,, owner, state) = service_status(services[x]);
+		if (owner < 0) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		excl = atoi(service_property(services[x], "exclusive"));
+		nodes_empty = subtract(nodes_empty, owner);
+		if (excl) {
+			nodes_excl = union(nodes_excl, owner);
+		} else {
+			nodes_services = union(nodes_services, owner);
+		}
+	}
+	return (nodes_empty, nodes_services, nodes_excl);
+define exclusive_prioritize(svc, node_list)
+	variable services = service_list();
+	variable len, x, y, owner, state, preferred_owner;
+	variable svc_excl, other_excl;
+	variable nodes_x, nodes_s, nodes_e;
+	%
+	% Not exclusive?  Don't care!
+	%
+	svc_excl = atoi(service_property(svc, "exclusive"));
+	if (svc_excl == 0) {
+		return node_list;
+	}
+	(nodes_e, nodes_s, nodes_x) = separate_nodes(node_list);
+	debug("Nodes - Empty: ", nodes_e, " w/Services: ", nodes_s, " w/Excl: ", nodes_x);
+	if (length(nodes_e) > 0) {
+		%
+		% If we've got an exclusive service, only allow it to start on 
+		% empty nodes.
+		%
+		return nodes_e;
+	}
+	if (length(nodes_x) == 0) {
+		%
+		% If we've got NO nodes with other exclusive services
+		% and no empty nodes, the service can not be started
+		%
+		notice("No empty / exclusive nodes available; cannot restart ", svc);
+		return nodes_x;
+	}
+	%
+	% Prioritization of exclusive services: pancake a service and replace it
+	% with this service if this services is a higher priority.
+	%
+	len = length(services);
+	for (x = 0; x < len; x++) {
+		if (svc == services[x]) {
+			% don't do anything to ourself! 
+			continue;
+		}
+		(,,, owner, state) = service_status(services[x]);
+		if (owner < 0) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (node_in_set(node_list, owner) == 0) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		other_excl = atoi(service_property(services[x], "exclusive"));
+		if (other_excl == 0) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		%
+		% If we're a higher priority (lower #) exclusive
+		% Stop the exclusive service that node and move that
+		% node to the front.
+		%
+		if (svc_excl >= other_excl) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		%
+		% 
+		%
+		warning("STOPPING service ", services[x], " because ", svc, " is a higher priority.");
+		() = service_stop(services[x]);
+		%
+		% Return just the one node.
+		%
+		node_list = subtract([0], 0);
+		node_list = union(node_list, owner);
+		return node_list;
+	}
+	return node_list;
+define move_or_start(service, node_list)
+	variable len;
+	variable state, owner;
+	variable depends;
+	depends = service_property(service, "depend");
+	if (depends != "") {
+		(,,, owner, state) = service_status(depends);
+		if (owner < 0) {
+			debug(service, " is not runnable; dependency not met");
+			return ERR_DEPEND;
+		}
+	}
+	(,,, owner, state) = service_status(service);
+	debug("Evaluating ", service, " state=", state, " owner=", owner);
+	if ((event_type == EVENT_NODE) and (node_id == owner) and
+	    (node_state == NODE_OFFLINE)) {
+		info("Marking service ", service, " on down member ",
+		     owner, " as stopped");
+		if (service_stop(service) < 0) {
+			return ERR_ABORT;
+		}
+	}
+	len = length(node_list);
+	if (len == 0) {
+		notice(service, " is not runnable - restricted domain offline");
+		()=service_stop(service);
+		return ERR_DOMAIN;
+	}
+	if (((event_type != EVENT_USER) and (state == "disabled")) or
+            ((state == "failed") or (state == "frozen"))) {
+		%
+		% Commenting out this block will -not- allow you to
+		% recover failed services from event scripts.  Sorry.
+		% All it will get you is a false log message about
+		% starting this service.
+		%
+		% You may enable disabled services, but I recommend
+		% against it.
+		%
+		debug(service, " is not runnable");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (node_list[0] == owner) {
+		debug(service, " is already running on best node");
+		return ERR_RUNNING;
+	}
+	if ((owner >= 0) and (node_in_set(node_list, owner) == 1)) {
+		notice("Moving ", service, " from ", owner,
+		       " to ", node_list);
+		if (service_stop(service) < 0) {
+			return ERR_ABORT;
+		}
+	} else {
+		node_list = exclusive_prioritize(service, node_list);
+		notice("Starting ", service, " on ", node_list);
+	}
+	if (length(node_list) == 0) {
+		return ERR_DOMAIN; 
+	}
+	return service_start(service, node_list);
+% Returns the set of online nodes in preferred/shuffled order which
+% are allowed to run this service.  Gives highest preference to current
+% owner if nofailback is specified.
+define allowed_nodes(service)
+	variable anodes;
+	variable online;
+	variable nodes_domain;
+	variable ordered, restricted, nofailback;
+	variable state, owner;
+	variable depends;
+	(nofailback, restricted, ordered, nodes_domain) =
+			service_domain_info(service);
+	(,,, owner, state) = service_status(service);
+	anodes = nodes_online();
+	% Shuffle the array so we don't start all services on the same
+	% node.  TODO - add RR, Least-services, placement policies...
+	online = shuffle(anodes);
+	if (restricted == 1) {
+		anodes = intersection(nodes_domain, online);
+	} else {
+		% Ordered failover domains (nodes_domain) unioned with the
+		% online nodes basically just reorders the online node list
+		% according to failover domain priority rules.
+		anodes = union(intersection(nodes_domain, online),
+			       online);
+	}
+	if ((nofailback == 1) or (ordered == 0)) {
+		if ((owner < 0) or (node_in_set(anodes, owner) == 0)) {
+			return anodes;
+		}
+		% Because union takes left as priority, we can
+		% return the union of the current owner with the
+		% allowed node list.  This means the service will
+		% remain on the same node it's currently on.
+		return union(owner, anodes);
+	}
+	return anodes;
+% Returns the set of online nodes in preferred/shuffled order which
+% are allowed to run this service.  Gives highest preference to current
+% owner if nofailback is specified.
+define allowed_nodes(service)
+	variable anodes;
+	variable online;
+	variable nodes_domain;
+	variable ordered, restricted, nofailback;
+	variable state, owner;
+	variable depends;
+	(nofailback, restricted, ordered, nodes_domain) =
+			service_domain_info(service);
+	(,,, owner, state) = service_status(service);
+	anodes = nodes_online();
+	% Shuffle the array so we don't start all services on the same
+	% node.  TODO - add RR, Least-services, placement policies...
+	online = shuffle(anodes);
+	if (restricted == 1) {
+		anodes = intersection(nodes_domain, online);
+	} else {
+		% Ordered failover domains (nodes_domain) unioned with the
+		% online nodes basically just reorders the online node list
+		% according to failover domain priority rules.
+		anodes = union(intersection(nodes_domain, online),
+			       online);
+	}
+	if ((nofailback == 1) or (ordered == 0)) {
+		if ((owner < 0) or (node_in_set(anodes, owner) == 0)) {
+			return anodes;
+		}
+		% Because union takes left as priority, we can
+		% return the union of the current owner with the
+		% allowed node list.  This means the service will
+		% remain on the same node it's currently on.
+		return union(owner, anodes);
+	}
+	return anodes;
+define string_list(thelist, delimiter)
+	variable index;
+	variable output="";
+	if (length(thelist) == 0) {
+		return output;
+	}
+	for (index=0; index < length(thelist)-1; index++) {
+		output=output+string(thelist[index])+delimiter;
+	}
+	return output+thelist[index];
+% this function gets the smallest property from a given list of services
+% if the list only exists of one element the property itself is returned
+% if the given property is not found 0 is returned
+define services_min_attribute(services, property)
+	variable x;
+	variable min_property=-1;
+	variable tmp_property;
+	for (x = 0; x < length(services); x++) {
+		tmp_property=service_property(services[x], property);
+		if (tmp_property == NULL) {
+			tmp_property=0;
+		} else {
+			tmp_property=atoi(tmp_property);
+		}
+		if ((min_property < 0) or (tmp_property < min_property)) {
+			min_property=tmp_property;
+		}
+		%debug("services_min_attribute: ",services[x]," attribute: ",min_property, "tmp: ", tmp_property, " min: ", min_property);
+	}
+	%debug("services_min_attribute: (", string_list(services, ", "),")[",property,"]: ",min_property);
+	return min_property;
+% This function will sort a given service_list by the given attribute name and
+% return the list
+define sorted_service_list(services, attribute)
+	variable work_queue={};
+	variable sorted_list={}, tmp, tmp2;
+	variable x, y;
+	variable cur_min_prop=0;
+	variable service_prop=0;
+	y=0;
+	%debug("sorted_service_list: ", strjoin(services, ", "));
+	for (x=0; x<length(services); x++) {
+		list_append(work_queue, string(services[x]));
+	}
+	%debug("sorted_service_list: work_queue ", string_list(work_queue, ", "));
+	while (length(work_queue) > 0) {
+		cur_min_prop=services_min_attribute(work_queue, attribute);
+		%debug("sorted_service_list sorting services list for attribute ", attribute, " cur_min: ",cur_min_prop);
+		for (x = 0; x < length(work_queue); x++) {
+			service_prop=service_property(work_queue[x], "priority");
+			if (service_prop == NULL) {
+				service_prop=0;
+			} else {
+				service_prop=atoi(service_prop);
+			}
+			%debug("sorted_service_list: ",work_queue[x], " property[", attribute,"]: ",service_prop);
+			if (cur_min_prop==service_prop) {
+				%debug("sorted_service_list: adding service ",work_queue[x]," to sorted. work_queue: ", string_list(work_queue, ", "));
+				list_append(sorted_list, work_queue[x]);
+				%debug("sorted_service_list: sorted_list: ", string_list(sorted_list, ", "));
+				%debug("sorted_service_list: removing service ",work_queue[x], " from work_queue ", string_list(work_queue, ", "));
+				list_delete(work_queue, x);
+				x=x-1;
+				%debug("sorted_service_list: work_queue: ",string_list(work_queue, ", "));
+				y=y+1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	debug("sorted_service_list ", string_list(sorted_list, ", "));
+	return sorted_list;
+define sortedservices_node_event_handler(services, attribute) {
+	variable x;
+	variable nodes;
+	services=sorted_service_list(services, attribute);
+	for (x = 0; x < length(services); x++) {
+		debug("Executing sortedservices node event handler for service: ", services[x]);
+		nodes = allowed_nodes(services[x]);
+		()=move_or_start(services[x], nodes);
+	}
+define default_node_event_handler()
+	variable services = service_list();
+	variable x;
+	variable nodes;
+	debug("Executing default node event handler");
+	for (x = 0; x < length(services); x++) {
+		nodes = allowed_nodes(services[x]);
+		()=move_or_start(services[x], nodes);
+	}
+define default_service_event_handler()
+	variable services = service_list();
+	variable x;
+	variable depends;
+	variable depend_mode;
+	variable policy;
+	variable nodes;
+	variable tmp;
+	variable owner;
+	variable state;
+	debug("Executing default service event handler");
+	if (service_state == "recovering") {
+		policy = service_property(service_name, "recovery");
+		debug("Recovering",
+		      " Service: ", service_name,
+		      " Last owner: ", service_last_owner,
+		      " Policy: ", policy,
+		      " RTE: ", service_restarts_exceeded);
+		if (policy == "disable") {
+			() = service_stop(service_name, 1);
+			return;
+		}
+		nodes = allowed_nodes(service_name);
+		if (policy == "restart" and service_restarts_exceeded == 0) {
+			nodes = union(service_last_owner, nodes);
+		} else {
+			% relocate 
+			tmp = subtract(nodes, service_last_owner);
+			if (length(tmp) == 0) {
+				() = service_stop(service_name,0);
+				return;
+			}
+			nodes = union(tmp, service_last_owner);
+		}
+		()=move_or_start(service_name, nodes);
+		return;
+	}
+	for (x = 0; x < length(services); x++) {
+		if (service_name == services[x]) {
+			% don't do anything to ourself! 
+			continue;
+		}
+		%
+		% Simplistic dependency handling
+		%
+		depends = service_property(services[x], "depend");
+		depend_mode = service_property(services[x], "depend_mode");
+		% No dependency; do nothing
+		if (depends != service_name) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		(,,, owner, state) = service_status(services[x]);
+		if ((service_state == "started") and (owner < 0) and
+		    (state == "stopped")) {
+			info("Dependency met; starting ", services[x]);
+			nodes = allowed_nodes(services[x]);
+			()=move_or_start(services[x], nodes);
+		}
+		% service died - stop service(s) that depend on the dead
+		if ((service_owner < 0) and (owner >= 0) and
+		    (depend_mode != "soft")) {
+			info("Dependency lost; stopping ", services[x]);
+			()=service_stop(services[x]);
+		}
+	}
+define default_config_event_handler()
+	debug("Executing default config event handler");
+define default_user_event_handler()
+	variable ret;
+	variable nodes;
+	variable reordered;
+	variable x;
+	variable target = user_target;
+	variable found = 0;
+	variable owner, state;
+	nodes = allowed_nodes(service_name);
+	(,,, owner, state) = service_status(service_name);
+	if (user_request == USER_RESTART) {
+		if (owner >= 0) {
+			reordered = union(owner, nodes);
+			nodes = reordered;
+		}
+		notice("Stopping ", service_name, " for relocate to ", nodes);
+		found = service_stop(service_name);
+		if (found < 0) {
+			return ERR_ABORT;
+		}
+		ret = move_or_start(service_name, nodes);
+	} else if ((user_request == USER_RELOCATE) or 
+		   (user_request == USER_ENABLE)) {
+		if (user_target > 0) {
+			for (x = 0; x < length(nodes); x++) {
+				%
+				% Put the preferred node at the front of the 
+				% list for a user-relocate operation
+				%
+				if (nodes[x] == user_target) {
+					reordered = union(user_target, nodes);
+					nodes = reordered;
+					found = 1;
+				}
+			}
+			if (found == 0) {
+				warning("User specified node ", user_target,
+					" is offline");
+			}
+		}
+		if ((owner >= 0) and (user_request == USER_RELOCATE)) {
+			if (service_stop(service_name) < 0) {
+				return ERR_ABORT;
+			}
+			%
+			% The current owner shouldn't be the default
+			% for a relocate operation
+			%
+			reordered = subtract(nodes, owner);
+			nodes = union(reordered, owner);
+		}
+		ret = move_or_start(service_name, nodes);
+	} else if (user_request == USER_DISABLE) {
+		ret = service_stop(service_name, 1);
+	} else if (user_request == USER_STOP) {
+		ret = service_stop(service_name);
+	} else if (user_request == USER_FREEZE) {
+		ret = service_freeze(service_name);
+	} else if (user_request == USER_UNFREEZE) {
+		ret = service_unfreeze(service_name);
+	} else if (user_request == USER_MIGRATE) {
+		ret = service_migrate(service_name, user_target);
+	} else if (user_request == USER_CONVALESCE) {
+		ret = service_convalesce(service_name);
+	}
+	return ret;
+if (event_type == EVENT_NODE)
+	sortedservices_node_event_handler(service_list(), "priority");
+if (event_type == EVENT_SERVICE)
+	default_service_event_handler();
+if (event_type == EVENT_CONFIG)
+	default_config_event_handler();
+if (event_type == EVENT_USER)
+	user_return=default_user_event_handler();
diff --git a/rgmanager/src/resources/ b/rgmanager/src/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c711ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rgmanager/src/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+% Description:	Implements the "follow service" mechanism based on the Red Hat RIND event 
+%               scripting mechanism.
+% Author:       Marc Grimme, Mark Hlawatschek, October 2008
+% Support:      support at
+% License:      GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2 or later
+% Copyright:    (c) 2008-2010 ATIX AG
+% Returns a list of nodes for the given service that are online and in the failoverdomain.
+define nodelist_online(service_name) {
+   variable nodes, nofailback, restricted, ordered, node_list;
+   nodes=nodes_online();
+   (nofailback, restricted, ordered, node_list) = service_domain_info(service_name);
+   return intersection(nodes, node_list);
+% Idea: 
+%   General purpose function of a construct when Service(svc1) and Service(svc2) 
+%   should not be running on the same node even after failover.
+%   There are to options to influence the behaviour. If both services have to be 
+%   running on the same node (only one node is left in the failovergroup) what 
+%   service is the master and should both services be running or only the master
+%   service survives. If master is not svc1 or svc2 both service might run on the 
+%   same node. If master is either svc1 or svc2 the specified one will be the 
+%   surviving service.
+%   If followslave is not 0 the svc1 always follows svc2. That means it will be 
+%   started on on the same node as svc1. And if available svc2 will be relocated
+%   to any other node.
+define follow_service(svc1, svc2, master) %, followslave)
+	variable state_svc1, state_svc2, owner_svc1, owner_svc2;
+	variable nodes1, nodes2, allowed;
+	debug("*** FOLLOW_SERVICE: follow_service(",svc1,", ",svc2,", ", master, ")");
+	debug("*** FOLLOW_SERVICE: event_type: ", event_type, ", service_name: ", service_name, ", service_state: ", service_state);
+	%
+	% setup the master
+	%
+	if ((master != svc1) and (master != svc2)) {
+		debug("*** FOLLOW_SERVICE: master=NULL");
+		master=NULL;
+	}
+	% get infos we need to decide further
+	(,,, owner_svc1, state_svc1) = service_status(svc1);
+	(,,, owner_svc2, state_svc2) = service_status(svc2);
+	nodes1 = nodelist_online(svc1);
+	nodes2 = nodelist_online(svc2);
+	debug("*** FOLLOW_SERVICE: service_status(",svc1,"): ", state_svc1);
+	debug("*** FOLLOW_SERVICE: owner_svc1: ", owner_svc1, ", owner_svc2: ", owner_svc2, ", nodes1: ", nodes1, ", nodes2: ", nodes2);
+	if (((event_type == EVENT_NODE)    and (owner_svc1 == node_id) and (node_state == NODE_OFFLINE) and (owner_svc2 >=0)) or 
+		((event_type == EVENT_SERVICE) and (service_name == svc1)  and (service_state == "recovering" ) and (owner_svc2 >= 0))) {
+		%
+		% uh oh, the owner of the master server died.  Restart it
+		% on the node running the slave server or if we should not 
+		% follow the slave start it somewhere else.
+		% We should end up here if svc1 has to be restarted
+		%
+		% If this was a service event, don't execute the default event
+		% script trigger after this script completes.
+		%
+		if (event_type == EVENT_SERVICE) {
+			stop_processing();
+		}
+		% were to start svc2
+		allowed=subtract(nodes2, owner_svc2);
+		if (length(allowed) > 1) {
+			allowed=subtract(allowed, service_last_owner);
+		}
+		debug("*** FOLLOW SERVICE: service event triggered following svc2 to ",owner_svc2, " svc2 on : ",allowed);
+		% either svc1 is the master or there are node were to start svc2
+		if ((master == svc1) or (length(allowed) > 0)) {
+			()=service_start(svc1, owner_svc2);
+		}
+		% either svc2 is the master or there are node were to start svc2
+		if ((master == svc2) or (length(allowed) > 0)) {
+			()=service_stop(svc2);
+			()=service_start(svc2, allowed);
+		} 
+	}
+	else if (((event_type == EVENT_NODE) and (owner_svc2 == node_id) and (node_state == NODE_OFFLINE) and (owner_svc2 >=0)) or 
+		((event_type == EVENT_SERVICE) and (service_name == svc2) and (service_state == "recovering" ) and (owner_svc1 >= 0))) {
+		%
+		% uh oh, the owner of the svc2 died.  Restart it
+		% on any other node but not the one running the svc1.
+		% If svc1 is the only one left only start it there 
+		% if master==svc2
+		%
+		% Just relocate svc2 or if svc2 is master stop svc1 and start svc2 on owner_svc1
+		%
+		% If this was a service event, don't execute the default event
+		% script trigger after this script completes.
+		%
+		if (event_type == EVENT_SERVICE) {
+			stop_processing();
+		}
+		allowed=subtract(nodes2, owner_svc1);
+		if (length(allowed) > 1) {
+			allowed=subtract(allowed, service_last_owner);
+		}
+		debug("*** FOLLOW SERVICE: service event triggered relocating svc2 to ",allowed, " svc1 on : ",owner_svc1);
+		if (length(allowed) > 0) {
+			()=service_stop(svc2);
+			()=service_start(svc2, allowed);
+		} else if (master == svc2) {
+			()=service_stop(svc1);
+			()=service_start(svc2, owner_svc1);
+		}
+	}
+	else if (((event_type == EVENT_SERVICE) and (service_state == "started") and (owner_svc2 == owner_svc1) and (owner_svc1 > 0) and (owner_svc2 > 0)) or
+    		((event_type == EVENT_CONFIG) and (owner_svc2 == owner_svc1))) {
+		allowed=subtract(nodes2, owner_svc1);
+		debug("*** FOLLOW SERVICE: service event both running on same node triggered.", allowed);
+		if (length(allowed) > 0) {
+			%()=service_stop(svc1);
+			%()=service_start(svc1, owner_svc2);
+			()=service_stop(svc2);
+			()=service_start(svc2, allowed);
+		} else if ((master == svc2) and (owner_svc2 > 0)){
+			debug("*** FOLLOW SERVICE: will stop service .", svc1); 
+			()=service_stop(svc1);
+		} else if ((master == svc1) and (owner_svc1 > 0)) {
+			debug("*** FOLLOW SERVICE: will stop service .", svc2);
+			()=service_stop(svc2);
+		} else {
+			debug("*** FOLLOW SERVICE: both services running on the same node or only one is running.", allowed, ", ", master);
+		}
+	}
+	return;

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