dlm: master - dlm_controld: remove pacemaker variant

David Teigland teigland at fedoraproject.org
Tue Nov 2 18:49:53 UTC 2010

Gitweb:        http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/dlm.git?p=dlm.git;a=commitdiff;h=fc2ec0d6841352ccbd9fddddeaa17de44a65261b
Commit:        fc2ec0d6841352ccbd9fddddeaa17de44a65261b
Parent:        2a7c15034a0101d9bb8948f1b40fc70728a79419
Author:        David Teigland <teigland at redhat.com>
AuthorDate:    Tue Nov 2 13:49:14 2010 -0500
Committer:     David Teigland <teigland at redhat.com>
CommitterDate: Tue Nov 2 13:49:14 2010 -0500

dlm_controld: remove pacemaker variant

the standard version is now compatible with pacemaker

Signed-off-by: David Teigland <teigland at redhat.com>
 group/dlm_controld/Makefile.am |   29 ----
 group/dlm_controld/pacemaker.c |  361 ----------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 390 deletions(-)

diff --git a/group/dlm_controld/Makefile.am b/group/dlm_controld/Makefile.am
index c14ab89..8eb6186 100644
--- a/group/dlm_controld/Makefile.am
+++ b/group/dlm_controld/Makefile.am
@@ -6,10 +6,6 @@ if ENABLE_CMAN
 sbin_PROGRAMS		+= dlm_controld
-sbin_PROGRAMS		+= dlm_controld.pcmk
 noinst_HEADERS		= config.h dlm_controld.h dlm_daemon.h
 shared_SOURCES		= action.c cpg.c crc.c deadlock.c main.c \
@@ -48,28 +44,3 @@ dlm_controld_LDFLAGS	= $(shared_LIBS) \
 dlm_controld_LDADD	= $(shared_LDADD)
-dlm_controld_pcmk_SOURCES = $(shared_SOURCES) \
-			    pacemaker.c
-dlm_controld_pcmk_CPPFLAGS= $(shared_CPPFLAGS) \
-			    -I$(prefix)/include/heartbeat \
-			    -I$(prefix)/include/pacemaker \
-dlm_controld_pcmk_CFLAGS  = $(shared_CFLAGS) \
-			    $(glib_CFLAGS) \
-			    $(xml_CFLAGS) \
-			    $(totempg_CFLAGS)
-dlm_controld_pcmk_LDFLAGS = $(shared_LIBS) \
-			    $(glib_LIBS) \
-			    $(xml_LIBS) \
-			    $(totempg_LIBS) \
-			    -lcib -lcrmcommon -lcrmcluster
-dlm_controld_pcmk_LDADD	  = $(shared_LDADD)
diff --git a/group/dlm_controld/pacemaker.c b/group/dlm_controld/pacemaker.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3150a1f..0000000
--- a/group/dlm_controld/pacemaker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-#include "dlm_daemon.h"
-#include <syslog.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <bzlib.h>
-#include <heartbeat/ha_msg.h>
-#include <pacemaker/crm_config.h>
-#include <pacemaker/crm/crm.h>
-#include <pacemaker/crm/ais.h>
-#include <pacemaker/crm/attrd.h>
-/* heartbeat support is irrelevant here */
-#include <pacemaker/crm/common/cluster.h>
-#include <pacemaker/crm/common/stack.h>
-#include <pacemaker/crm/common/ipc.h>
-#include <pacemaker/crm/msg_xml.h>
-#include <pacemaker/crm/cib.h>
-#define COMMS_DIR     "/sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/comms"
-int setup_ccs(void)
-    /* To avoid creating an additional place for the dlm to be configured,
-     * only allow configuration from the command-line until CoroSync is stable
-     * enough to be used with Pacemaker
-     */
-    return 0;
-void close_ccs(void) { return; }
-int get_weight(int nodeid, char *lockspace) { return 1; }
-/* TODO: Make this configurable
- * Can't use logging.c as-is as whitetank exposes a different logging API
- */
-void init_logging(void) {
-    openlog("cluster-dlm", LOG_PERROR|LOG_PID|LOG_CONS|LOG_NDELAY, LOG_DAEMON);
-    /* cl_log_enable_stderr(TRUE); */
-void setup_logging(void) { return; }
-void close_logging(void) {
-    closelog();
-int setup_cluster_cfg(void) { return 0; }
-void process_cluster_cfg(int ci) {}
-void close_cluster_cfg(void) {}
-extern int ais_fd_async;
-int local_node_id = 0;
-char *local_node_uname = NULL;
-void dlm_process_node(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data);
-int setup_cluster(void)
-    ais_fd_async = -1;
-    crm_log_init("cluster-dlm", LOG_INFO, FALSE, TRUE, 0, NULL);
-    if(init_ais_connection(NULL, NULL, NULL, &local_node_uname, &our_nodeid) == FALSE) {
-	log_error("Connection to our AIS plugin (%d) failed", CRM_SERVICE);
-	return -1;
-    }
-    /* Sign up for membership updates */
-    send_ais_text(crm_class_notify, "true", TRUE, NULL, crm_msg_ais);
-    /* Requesting the current list of known nodes */
-    send_ais_text(crm_class_members, __FUNCTION__, TRUE, NULL, crm_msg_ais);
-    return ais_fd_async;
-void update_cluster(void)
-    static uint64_t last_membership = 0;
-    cluster_quorate = crm_have_quorum;
-    if(last_membership < crm_peer_seq) {
-	log_debug("Processing membership %llu", crm_peer_seq);
-	g_hash_table_foreach(crm_peer_cache, dlm_process_node, &last_membership);
-	last_membership = crm_peer_seq;
-    }
-void process_cluster(int ci)
-    ais_dispatch(ais_fd_async, NULL);
-    update_cluster();
-void close_cluster(void) {
-    terminate_ais_connection();
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <corosync/totem/totemip.h>
-void dlm_process_node(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
-    int rc = 0;
-    struct stat tmp;
-    char path[PATH_MAX];
-    crm_node_t *node = value;
-    uint64_t *last = user_data;
-    const char *action = "Skipped";
-    gboolean do_add = FALSE;
-    gboolean do_remove = FALSE;
-    gboolean is_active = FALSE;
-    memset(path, 0, PATH_MAX);
-    snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/%d", COMMS_DIR, node->id);
-    rc = stat(path, &tmp);
-    is_active = crm_is_member_active(node);
-    if(rc == 0 && is_active) {
-	/* nothing to do?
-	 * maybe the node left and came back...
-	 */
-    } else if(rc == 0) {
-	do_remove = TRUE;
-    } else if(is_active && node->addr) {
-	do_add = TRUE;
-    }
-    if(do_remove) {
-	action = "Removed";
-	del_configfs_node(node->id);
-    }
-    if(do_add) {
-	char *addr_copy = strdup(node->addr);
-	char *addr_top = addr_copy;
-	char *addr = NULL;
-	if(do_remove) {
-	    action = "Re-added";
-	} else {
-	    action = "Added";
-	}
-	if(local_node_id == 0) {
-	    crm_node_t *local_node = g_hash_table_lookup(
-		crm_peer_cache, local_node_uname);
-	    local_node_id = local_node->id;
-	}
-	do {
-	    char ipaddr[1024];
-	    int addr_family = AF_INET;
-	    int cna_len = 0, rc = 0;
-	    struct sockaddr_storage cna_addr;
-	    struct totem_ip_address totem_addr;
-	    addr = strsep(&addr_copy, " ");
-	    if(addr == NULL) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	    /* do_cmd_get_node_addrs */
-	    if(strstr(addr, "ip(") == NULL) {
-		continue;
-	    } else if(strchr(addr, ':')) {
-		rc = sscanf(addr, "ip(%[0-9A-Fa-f:])", ipaddr);
-		if(rc != 1) {
-		    log_error("Could not extract IPv6 address from '%s'", addr);
-		    continue;			
-		}
-		addr_family = AF_INET6;
-	    } else {
-		rc = sscanf(addr, "ip(%[0-9.]) ", ipaddr);
-		if(rc != 1) {
-		    log_error("Could not extract IPv4 address from '%s'", addr);
-		    continue;			
-		}
-	    }
-	    rc = inet_pton(addr_family, ipaddr, &totem_addr);
-	    if(rc != 1) {
-		log_error("Could not parse '%s' as in IPv%c address", ipaddr, (addr_family==AF_INET)?'4':'6');
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    rc = totemip_parse(&totem_addr, ipaddr, addr_family);
-	    if(rc != 0) {
-		log_error("Could not convert '%s' into a totem address", ipaddr);
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    rc = totemip_totemip_to_sockaddr_convert(&totem_addr, 0, &cna_addr, &cna_len);
-	    if(rc != 0) {
-		log_error("Could not convert totem address for '%s' into sockaddr", ipaddr);
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    log_debug("Adding address %s to configfs for node %u/%s ", addr, node->id, node->uname);
-	    add_configfs_node(node->id, ((char*)&cna_addr), cna_len, (node->id == local_node_id));
-	} while(addr != NULL);
-	free(addr_top);
-    }
-    log_debug("%s %sctive node %u '%s': born-on=%llu, last-seen=%llu, this-event=%llu, last-event=%llu",
-	       action, crm_is_member_active(value)?"a":"ina",
-	       node->id, node->uname, node->born, node->last_seen,
-	       crm_peer_seq, (unsigned long long)*last);
-int is_cluster_member(uint32_t nodeid)
-    crm_node_t *node = crm_get_peer(nodeid, NULL);
-    return crm_is_member_active(node);
-char *nodeid2name(int nodeid) {
-    crm_node_t *node = crm_get_peer(nodeid, NULL);
-    if(node->uname == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return strdup(node->uname);
-static int pcmk_cluster_fd = 0;
-static void attrd_deadfn(int ci) 
-    log_error("%s: Lost connection to the cluster", __FUNCTION__);
-    pcmk_cluster_fd = 0;
-    return;
-void kick_node_from_cluster(int nodeid)
-    int fd = pcmk_cluster_fd;
-    int rc = crm_terminate_member_no_mainloop(nodeid, NULL, &fd);
-    if(fd > 0 && fd != pcmk_cluster_fd) {
-	pcmk_cluster_fd = fd;
-	client_add(pcmk_cluster_fd, NULL, attrd_deadfn);
-    }
-    switch(rc) {
-	case 0:
-	    log_debug("Requested that node %d be kicked from the cluster", nodeid);
-	    break;
-	case -1:
-	    log_error("Don't know how to kick node %d from the cluster", nodeid);
-	    break;
-	case 1:
-	    log_error("Could not kick node %d from the cluster", nodeid);
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    log_error("Unknown result when kicking node %d from the cluster", nodeid);
-	    break;
-    }
-    return;
-cib_t *cib = NULL;
-static void cib_deadfn(int ci) 
-    log_error("Lost connection to the cib");
-    cib = NULL; /* TODO: memory leak in unlikely error path */
-    return;
-static cib_t *cib_connect(void) 
-    int rc = 0;
-    int cib_fd = 0;
-    if(cib) {
-	return cib;
-    }
-    cib = cib_new();
-    rc = cib->cmds->signon_raw(cib, crm_system_name, cib_command, &cib_fd, NULL);
-    if(rc != cib_ok) {
-	log_error("Signon to cib failed: %s", cib_error2string(rc));
-	cib = NULL; /* TODO: memory leak in unlikely error path */
-    } else {
-	client_add(cib_fd, NULL, cib_deadfn);
-    }
-    return cib;
-int fence_in_progress(int *in_progress)
-    int rc = 0;
-    xmlNode *xpath_data;
-    cib_connect();    
-    if(cib == NULL) {
-	return -1;
-    }
-    /* TODO: Not definitive - but a good approximation */
-    rc = cib->cmds->query(cib, "//nvpar[@name='terminate']", &xpath_data,
-			  cib_xpath|cib_scope_local|cib_sync_call);
-    if(xpath_data == NULL) {
-	*in_progress = 0;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    log_debug("Fencing in progress: %s", xpath_data?"true":"false");	
-    free_xml(xpath_data);
-    *in_progress = 1;
-    return 1;
-#define XPATH_MAX  1024
-int fence_node_time(int nodeid, uint64_t *last_fenced_time)
-    int rc = 0;
-    xmlNode *xpath_data;
-    char xpath_query[XPATH_MAX];
-    crm_node_t *node = crm_get_peer(nodeid, NULL);
-    if(last_fenced_time) {
-	*last_fenced_time = 0;
-    }
-    if(node == NULL || node->uname == NULL) {
-	log_error("Nothing known about node %d", nodeid);	
-	return 0;
-    }
-    cib_connect();
-    if(cib == NULL) {
-	return -1;
-    }
-    snprintf(xpath_query, XPATH_MAX, "//lrm[@id='%s']", node->uname);
-    rc = cib->cmds->query(
-	cib, xpath_query, &xpath_data, cib_xpath|cib_scope_local|cib_sync_call);
-    if(xpath_data == NULL) {
-	/* the node has been shot - return 'now' */
-	log_debug("Node %d/%s was last shot 'now'", nodeid, node->uname);	
-	*last_fenced_time = time(NULL);
-    }
-    free_xml(xpath_data);
-    log_debug("It does not appear node %d/%s has been shot", nodeid, node->uname);	
-    return 0;

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