cluster: RHEL56 - libgfs2: Get rid of useless constants

Bob Peterson rpeterso at
Sat Apr 10 04:53:12 UTC 2010

Commit:        5ea3c62f38d726c39a520b60de0acecb0ca046ae
Parent:        afc7e08118c14ab73ea58907529ed456fea3c602
Author:        Bob Peterson <bob at ganesha.peterson>
AuthorDate:    Fri Jan 22 08:38:59 2010 -0600
Committer:     Bob Peterson <rpeterso at>
CommitterDate: Fri Apr 9 23:35:19 2010 -0500

libgfs2: Get rid of useless constants

This patch eliminates a bunch of constants relating to block type.
They were not used except by subsequent declares, so they only
served to confuse things.  It was one more thing that had to be
kept in sync.

 gfs2/fsck/util.c       |   12 -------
 gfs2/libgfs2/libgfs2.h |   81 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 2 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gfs2/fsck/util.c b/gfs2/fsck/util.c
index a37a286..394d1e0 100644
--- a/gfs2/fsck/util.c
+++ b/gfs2/fsck/util.c
@@ -125,18 +125,6 @@ void warm_fuzzy_stuff(uint64_t block)
-const char *block_type_string(uint8_t q)
-	const char *blktyp[] = {"free", "used", "indirect data", "inode",
-							"file", "symlink", "block dev", "char dev",
-							"fifo", "socket", "dir leaf", "journ data",
-							"other meta", "eattribute", "unused",
-							"invalid"};
-	if (q < 16)
-		return (blktyp[q]);
-	return blktyp[15];
 /* fsck_query: Same as gfs2_query except it adjusts errors_found and
    errors_corrected. */
 int fsck_query(const char *format, ...)
diff --git a/gfs2/libgfs2/libgfs2.h b/gfs2/libgfs2/libgfs2.h
index aacf9aa..8950c48 100644
--- a/gfs2/libgfs2/libgfs2.h
+++ b/gfs2/libgfs2/libgfs2.h
@@ -263,43 +263,56 @@ struct gfs2_bmap {
 uint64_t gfs2_bitmap_size(struct gfs2_bmap *bmap);
 /* block_list.c */
-#define FREE	        (0x0)  /*   0000 */
-#define BLOCK_IN_USE    (0x1)  /*   0001 */
-#define DIR_INDIR_BLK   (0x2)  /*   0010 */
-#define DIR_INODE       (0x3)  /*   0011 */
-#define FILE_INODE      (0x4)  /*   0100 */
-#define LNK_INODE       (0x5)
-#define BLK_INODE       (0x6)
-#define CHR_INODE       (0x7)
-#define FIFO_INODE      (0x8)
-#define SOCK_INODE      (0x9)
-#define DIR_LEAF_INODE  (0xA)  /*   1010 */
-#define JOURNAL_BLK     (0xB)  /*   1011 */
-#define OTHER_META      (0xC)  /*   1100 */
-#define EATTR_META      (0xD)  /*   1101 */
-#define BAD_BLOCK       (0xE)  /*   1110 */
-#define INVALID_META    (0xF)  /*   1111 */
-/* Must be kept in sync with mark_to_bitmap array in block_list.c */
 enum gfs2_mark_block {
-	gfs2_block_free = FREE,
-	gfs2_block_used = BLOCK_IN_USE,
-	gfs2_indir_blk = DIR_INDIR_BLK,
-	gfs2_inode_dir = DIR_INODE,
-	gfs2_inode_file = FILE_INODE,
-	gfs2_inode_lnk = LNK_INODE,
-	gfs2_inode_blk = BLK_INODE,
-	gfs2_inode_chr = CHR_INODE,
-	gfs2_inode_fifo = FIFO_INODE,
-	gfs2_inode_sock = SOCK_INODE,
-	gfs2_leaf_blk = DIR_LEAF_INODE,
-	gfs2_journal_blk = JOURNAL_BLK,
-	gfs2_meta_other = OTHER_META,
-	gfs2_meta_eattr = EATTR_META,
-	gfs2_bad_block = BAD_BLOCK, /* Contains at least one bad block */
-	gfs2_meta_inval = INVALID_META,
+	gfs2_block_free    = (0x0),
+	gfs2_block_used    = (0x1),
+	gfs2_indir_blk     = (0x2),
+	gfs2_inode_dir     = (0x3),
+	gfs2_inode_file    = (0x4),
+	gfs2_inode_lnk     = (0x5),
+	gfs2_inode_blk     = (0x6),
+	gfs2_inode_chr     = (0x7),
+	gfs2_inode_fifo    = (0x8),
+	gfs2_inode_sock    = (0x9),
+	gfs2_journal_blk   = (0xa),
+	gfs2_meta_inval    = (0xb),
+	gfs2_leaf_blk      = (0xc),
+	gfs2_meta_other    = (0xd),
+	gfs2_meta_eattr    = (0xe),
+	gfs2_bad_block     = (0xf), /* Contains at least one bad block */
+static const inline char *block_type_string(uint8_t q)
+	const char *blktyp[] = {
+		"free",
+		"data",
+		"indirect data",
+		"directory",
+		"file",
+		"symlink",
+		"block device",
+		"char device",
+		"fifo",
+		"socket",
+		"journaled data",
+		"invalid meta",
+		"dir leaf",
+		"other metadata",
+		"eattribute",
+		"bad"};
+	if (q < 16)
+		return (blktyp[q]);
+	return blktyp[15];
 extern struct gfs2_bmap *gfs2_bmap_create(struct gfs2_sbd *sdp, uint64_t size,
 					  uint64_t *addl_mem_needed);
 extern struct special_blocks *blockfind(struct special_blocks *blist, uint64_t num);

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