Bug tracking

Jeff Darcy jdarcy at redhat.com
Wed Jun 8 14:14:37 UTC 2011

It's time to start tracking bugs (including feature requests and
development tasks) in a more transparent and history-friendly way. As I
see it, we have three options:

* Use bugzilla.redhat.com - probably not the right answer for now (maybe
  when it's an actual Red Hat supported product)

* Use TRAC at fedorahosted - better integration with the git tree that's
  already there, also serves as a project website, requires only an
  infrastructure request . . . but it's TRAC

* Use a private bug tracker - I've already set up an instance of Mantis
  at http://cloudfs.org/bugs and found it useful to track issues during
  development of the socket code. I'm not tied to Mantis; it was just
  easier for me to install on my shared web host than CGI-based
  alternatives such as bugzilla or TRAC would have been.

What do others think?

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