Headpin is now using thin

Bryan Kearney bkearney at redhat.com
Wed Sep 14 18:07:06 UTC 2011

Ok.. I pushed the thin changes just now. I will next work on getting 
this into the rpm. For the moment, the RPM is busted.

Per a message from Brad, you will need to change a bit how you develop:

 From a katello UI code point of view, we had to modify (in some cases) 
how we access images/fonts/urls...etc from within the RAILS view code as 
well as javascript.  The following is a wiki pg that we created to 
describe the common occurrences we saw:

The following are a couple of the commits where we were addressing these 
types of issues:

If you have any questions or want me to look over any code, feel free to 
ping me.

To run Headpin now, do the following from your checkout directory:

./script rails server thin

the browse to http://localhost:3000/headpin

I have updated https://fedorahosted.org/candlepin/wiki/headpin/Building. 
Tyler.. it looks like this has the old config stuff. Can you please update?

On a related note, the following model objects need to be updated to the 
new API. Tyler, Amos, Tom can you hit that pretty quickly?


The all fail with "No such method find"

-- bk

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