Supported Feature Checking Proposal

Devan Goodwin dgoodwin at
Fri Jun 24 15:08:55 UTC 2011

Not much new here, just chatting with Dmitri today about how we can
have subscription-manager check if the server it's registered against
supports things like environments and package profiles. Proposal is to
use the same partial HATEOAS stuff we already implemented in

curl -k -u testuser1:password https://localhost:8443/candlepin/

Returns something like:

[ {
  "rel" : "admin",
  "href" : "/admin"
}, {
  "rel" : "users",
  "href" : "/users"
}, {
  "rel" : "atom",
  "href" : "/atom"
}, {
  "rel" : "serials",
  "href" : "/serials"
}, {
  "rel" : "consumers",
  "href" : "/consumers"
}, {


Package profile support implies the use of a top level package
resource, which Katello already has, and Candlepin does not. Similar
for environments. In our case the JSON returned above would not have
packages or environments listed, and Katello would.

Dmitri is ok with this format we're using to return the links and is
going to ask about adding a backlog item to support the same response
type in Katello.

This is rather simple and HATEOASy, resource discovery as a way to
determine what features are supported. Seem ok?



Devan Goodwin <dgoodwin at>

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