handling of exceptions

Jesus M. Rodriguez jmrodri at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 17:54:21 UTC 2010

In a discussion with Prad, Adrian asked how we should handle
exceptions in candlepin.
Right now we seem to throw BadRequestException[1] whenever we have a problem.

The idea is we want to send back a 400 (or other proper HTTP code),
then the client
can read the response. In the response we want a JSON string that they can read
what really happened.

Unfortunately, our current implementation yields a plain text string
(not json) even
if I change the code to be .type("application/json"). But if I pass a
jaxb object to the
Exception class it gets serialized properly.

So we'll create a ExceptionMessage object that can be jaxbified, that
would contain
the following attributes:
   name i.e. "invalid_argument"
   message i.e. text string as to what happened
   display message i.e. text string that can be displayed to the user

Then BadRequestException (and other wrapped exceptions) will contain an
ExceptionMessage object inside.

A few things need to happen in this as well:

* need to figure out proper HTTP error codes and WHEN to send them
* create ExceptionMessage class
* create the wrapper exception classes

[1] BadRequestException is a wrapper around jax-rs WebApplicationException where
we set the Response status to be BAD_REQUEST (400).

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