Circular dependency between Entitler and *Pool classes

Ajay Kumar ajaykumarns at
Fri Jul 2 19:23:25 UTC 2010

Hello everyone,
Bryan wanted me to move the revocation code fragment present in
        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
  "No of entitlements to revoke: #" + toRevoke.size());
        for (Entitlement e : toRevoke) {

into the PoolCurator#refreshPools so that it can be re-used by other classes.
However, moving this into PoolCurator requires that Entitler be
injected into the PoolCurator class.

But, Entitler has the following constructor:
 protected Entitler(PoolCurator epCurator,
        EntitlementCurator entitlementCurator, ConsumerCurator consumerCurator,
        Enforcer enforcer, EntitlementCertServiceAdapter entCertAdapter,
        SubscriptionServiceAdapter subAdapter,
        EventFactory eventFactory,
        EventSink sink,
        PostEntHelper postEntHelper){

As you can see, Entitler requires almost all the Curators and this
prevents the Entitler to be re-used within
various Curator classes.(the vicious circle)

What are your views on this issue? How do you think it can be resolved?
with regards
     Ajay Kumar.N.S

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