git commit messages

Jesus Rodriguez jesusr at
Fri Apr 23 13:24:09 UTC 2010

It would be helpful if folks could format their git commit message
with a one line summary (80 char or less), followed by a blank line
then a more lengthy detailed description (if necessary).

For example, 

   lot's of code cleanup, removed dead code.

   Removed unused imports
   Removed a bunch of unused code


This simple change will help make the automated changelogs easier
to consume since I don't have to clean them up.


jesus m. rodriguez          | jesusr at
principal software engineer | irc: zeus
red hat systems management  | 919.754.4413 (w)
rhce # 805008586930012      | 919.623.0080 (c)
|   "Those who cannot remember the past       |
|    are condemned to repeat it."             |
|                        -- George Santayana  |

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