Owner / Subscription Certificate Upload Changes

Devan Goodwin dgoodwin at rm-rf.ca
Fri Apr 16 18:26:17 UTC 2010

Upload of certificate now requires authentication, presumably basic. I
modified the deploy script to do this as guest:guest. If you have
users defined in your candlepin.conf, this will break, you need to
either add guest:guest here (auth.user.guest=guest), or remove all
your users in candlepin.conf. (this turns DefaultUserAuthService into
a passthrough, it will accept anything)

If you do not have a candlepin.conf, or there are no users in it, no
changes are required.

When the cert is uploaded, it will be associated with the owner of the
authenticated principal.

I've modified the default user auth service to also create a "Default
Org" if none exists, the first time someone tries to authenticate.
This is also the assumed org for any users in candlepin.conf that
don't have an org. (which you can add there by appending :org name to
their entry)

Let me know if you see any issues!



Devan Goodwin <dgoodwin at rm-rf.ca>

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