buildr as an rpm

Adam Young ayoung at
Thu Apr 1 00:44:51 UTC 2010

Just doing the preliminary spike into getting buildr and candlepin to 
build as rpms.

Here's what I have so far:

We need to add the following gems as RPMs

   Antwrap (= 0.7.0, runtime)
echoe (>= 0, development)
fakefs (>= 0.2.1, development)
heckle (>= 1.4.3, development)
json_pure (>= 1.1.7, runtime)
   net-sftp (= 2.0.2, runtime)
   net-ssh (= 2.0.15, runtime)
   rjb (= 1.1.9, runtime)
   rubyzip (= 0.9.1, runtime)
   xml-simple (= 1.0.12, runtime)

To generate this list, I ran

  gem dependency buildr | cut -f1 -d\( | xargs  gem dependency | grep -v 
Gem | sort -u |  cut -f1 -d\(

and then kept adding on to the end

  | xargs gem dependency | grep -v Gem |  cut -f1 -d\( | sort -u | 
xargs  gem dependency | grep -v Gem | sort -u |  cut -f1 -d\(

Until I go no new gems.

I haven't Built a tree out of them yet.

I've attached an spreadsheet so you can see the list of dependencies 
that are filled as well.
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