[bodhi] Database transactions

Luke Macken lmacken at redhat.com
Tue Feb 25 21:11:05 UTC 2014

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 05:04:14PM +0800, Mathieu Bridon wrote:
> Hi,
> In the default /etc/bodhi/bodhi.cfg, I just saw this:
>   # Right now bodhi requires that you disable transactions.
>   #sqlobject.dburi="notrans_postgres://bodhi:B0dh1@localhost/bodhi"
> Is that really the case that Bodhi requires we disable transactions?
> That makes me wonder...
> I'm having weird issues with stale connections to the PostgreSQL
> database (they stay forever "IDLE in transaction" and just keep piling
> up) from my Bodhi instance at $dayjob.
> Could that be related?

Hmm, it actually could be. 

We had a bunch of problems with SQLObject transactions + TG1 very
early on, and have just disabled them ever since.


As Toshio mentions in that thread, smolt would sometimes make a mess of
things if transactions fail, so it could be a similar issue that you are


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