[PATCH] Add namespaces support to rlFile{Backup,Restore}

Roman Rakus rrakus at redhat.com
Tue Oct 23 16:16:27 UTC 2012

On 10/23/2012 05:35 PM, Jiri Jaburek wrote:
> This change introduces a new --namespace option for rlFileBackup
> and rlFileRestore, allowing the user to perform several backup/restore
> operations independently.
> Getopt might seem like an overkill, but there's no primitive and safe
> way of using multiple long options with arguments without it.
> Also while rlFileRestore could get away without it (no --clean),
> I believe it's important to keep a certain level of consistency.
at first I have to state that I have no experience with getopt.
But, I have found one wiki page full of very good informations about 
shell scripting and there is also a page about parameter parsing:

I didn't test your patch, maybe it is working, but I recommend to follow 
the wiki and don't use getopt instead use getopts.

 From my first view, using getopt looks like nasty hack. But in the end, 
parsing arguments in shell is really kind of PITA.


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