[Beaker-devel] Upcoming feature: Support for provisioning Atomic hosts

Amit Saha asaha at redhat.com
Thu Oct 9 00:14:18 UTC 2014

Hi all,

We recently merged support for provisioning Atomic hosts [1, 2 ] in Beaker ("develop" branch). 
The main difference from running tests on a "traditional" distro is that the tests are executed in 
a Docker container instead of bare metal.

Here is an example job:

This assumes that you have an atomic host "MyAtomicHost" already imported in your Beaker installation
and has identified itself to be supporting "rpm-ostree" by using the "has_rpmostree" distro feature
variable [3].

The key ksmeta variables from the above recipe are:

* harness_docker_base_image=registry.hub.docker.com/fedora:20

This specifies the docker base image for the container. 

* ostree_repo_url=http://link/to/ostree/repo/ 

rpm-ostree repository

* ostree_ref=my-atomic-host/20/x86_64/standard

rpm-ostree remote ref.

This builds upon the recently merged "Running test harness in a Docker container" feature [4].

[1] http://www.projectatomic.io 
[2] https://beaker-project.org/docs-develop/whats-new/next/provision-atomic.html
[3] https://beaker-project.org/docs-develop/user-guide/customizing-installation.html#distro-features
[4] https://lists.fedorahosted.org/pipermail/beaker-devel/2014-October/001095.html


Amit Saha 
SED, Hosted & Shared Services
Red Hat, Inc.

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